Which is better for investment? Crypto vs. Bluechip.

in dPoll21 days ago

Which is better for investment? Crypto vs. Bluechip.

Greetings friends!

Which is better for investment?
Investment on cryptocurrencies or investing on blue chip shares?
Please also explain why do you think so.

  • cryptocurrencies

  • blue chip shares

Answer the question at dpoll.io.


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  • cryptocurrencies

Voted for

  • cryptocurrencies

Voted for

  • cryptocurrencies

Voted for

  • cryptocurrencies


If you have 20 years to wait...
Things will change too fats to have any hope!
I knew about Amazon 23 yrs. ago....it was the dotcom Buble time,it was not doing good...if I had invested 1k back then, would have been 500k+ now...
That's the same with this...but you don't have patience,you see Hive go from ,30 to ,35...and you wanna get Ritchie....you are naive,go back to your father farm,work hard, transform it into a micro plants farm,and you won't need crypto crying..

Oh! My Goat!