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RE: Should HBD be listed on more exchanges?

in dPoll2 years ago (edited)

Voted for

  • Yes, the more exchanges the better.

My opinion is somewhere in between. We need at least one HBD/fiat pair to help provide stability, because it is much easier to manage a market maker for HBD that is based on a stable fiat token.

I also think that HBD is likely to be inherently low liquidity though, at least for now, so too many HBD pairs would cannibalize each others liquidity rather than increase it.

All that said, there is the possibility that simply having more pairs increases the number of people who foolishly speculate on HBD price. This could be beneficial for Hive, but er, would be based on exploiting people's ignorance and greed which I don't think is something we should pursue as intentional policy.