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RE: Your Take on AI Illustrations

in dPoll2 months ago

Voted for

  • It bothers me a lot

The subject of intellectual ownership of AI-generated works, paid or unpaid, is highly controversial.
Some users think they can make money by posting AI-generated content on Hive. Spam? Plagiarism? Abuse of the reward pool in both cases.

Only original content should be rewarded on Hive. The use of an AI-generated image to illustrate an original text is tolerated, and this is confirmed by this poll. In my opinion, the use should be mentioned.

Personally, when I see an AI-generated image, it gives me a negative feeling about the originality of the post's text. I don't open the post except to identify a possible abuser and ban him from my free voting service.

Your images are rather candy pink. !DHEDGE


Hey, thanks for your feedback 😁 I myself am against AI-generated informative text or images on hive. my post focused only on the illustrations. I find your point of view interesting, it would be important to mention that it is generated by AI and I will apply it.