Which Liquidity Pools are Most Appealing to You?

in dPoll4 years ago

Which Liquidity Pools are Most Appealing to You?

Screenshot from TribalDEX

Sorted by VolumePairTotal LiquidityBase QuantityQuote QuantityPriceVolume
1HIVE:DEC46,375 HIVE $11,15424,662 HIVE8,692,003 DEC352.43571826 DEC/HIVE 0.00283739 SWAP.HIVE/DEC17,730 HIVE $4,264
2HIVE:BEE84,409 HIVE $20,30242,229 HIVE42,202 BEE0.99936521 BEE/HIVE 1.00063519 HIVE/BEE4,969 HIVE $1,195
3HIVE:PAL12,711 HIVE $3,0576,578 HIVE92,898 PAL14.12077604 PAL/HIVE 0.07081763 HIVE/PAL987 HIVE $237
4HIVE:HBD3,291 HIVE $7921,724 HIVE348 HBD0.20186647 HBD/HIVE 4.95376966 HIVE/HBD820 HIVE $197
5HIVE:WEED1,039 SWAP.HIVE $250504 HIVE3,991 WEED7.91528612 WEED/HIVE 0.12633782 HIVE/WEED162 HIVE $39
6HIVE:NEOXAG3,025 SWAP.HIVE $7281,525 HIVE370,127 NEOXAG242.56707195 NEOXAG/HIVE 0.00412257 HIVE/NEOXAG52 HIVE $13

Based on this information, which Liquidity Pair(s) is most appealing to you?

  • You may choose more than 1

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  • DEC

  • BEE

  • PAL

  • HBD

  • WEED


Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • HBD

Voted for

  • BEE

Voted for

  • HBD

HBD for sure . It was lacking liquidity and I was forced to exchange elsewhere .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very good logic, I had the same issue and also contributed to this solution.

I guess once the reward system is in place we will see more and more people providing liquidity but we have to see how good the rewards will be .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I assume we will get at least 5% as early adopters but crazier stuff has happened and with gas fees, so there is some serious potential in the free tx here.

Yeah ? Is it mentioned anywhere - the 5%? I hope the rewards come out soon , then we will see so many pools and a new earning potential.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Look at the Proof of Gas staking and Proof of Stake staking for ZKS at https://zks.app

Voted for

  • BEE
  • HBD

BEE due to its use cases in the Hive-Engine,
and HBD because of its relationship with HIVE.

Indeed 2 very important stepping stones to web 3.0.

Voted for

  • BEE

Voted for

  • HBD

Voted for


Voted for

  • DEC
  • BEE
  • HBD

Voted for

  • BEE
  • HBD
  • WEED

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Voted for

  • DEC
  • BEE
  • HBD
  • WEED