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RE: Is it almost impossible for a man to pacify his angry wife?

in dPoll3 years ago

When you look at the history and the present, you also have to think that men can also be unpredictable. But I know what you write. But it's quite logical that one is unpredictable, because in every human being there is a big world of thoughts that is often not at all clear to oneself and anyway most things are closed to other people and many people perhaps keep something inside themselves secret or cannot express it. But because you can't be as open as you would like, I think you become dissatisfied, especially if the woman is bothered by things about her partner or something in the world. Maybe the best thing to do is to be aware of the anger and try to curb the anger inside, take a breather, look at each other and talk about something that is on your mind. I think that when you are each other's friend and when you can suffer each other and be open with each other without fear of sanctions, then freedom and love are ahead of you. It's often just difficult how to really become friends. The important thing is also that you don't see the woman only as a sex object, or only as a cleaning woman, or only as a cook, but that you see her as a full human being, and this, of course, also mutually.


I see her as a human being and their is no problem of completing house keeping. Problem is she got angry easily and do not listen to me when she is angry. Her anger lasts for many days. This is the problem.

When a person is angry, one is like a volcano that can erupt. But one can be angry, that's normal. It's just how much it affects the other person. A person should actually be as careful with feelings as when driving a shopping trolley or a car. Feelings can also be badly hurt.
I don't know to what extent she should listen to you. Actually, every person is unique with their own thoughts, wishes, opinions and feelings and no two people are the same.
My brother pushed his opinion on me last year, which I didn't feel that way. You have to think about whether you want it yourself if you are supposed to listen to someone else.
What I think is important is that you fully accept her with all her anger and don't stand against her and try to deal with her anger yourself so that you feel good 😊

I have no further words dear.

It can be resolved inside in the soul every day. When we sleep, a healing power within us helps. Trust in it. I hope you are doing well. I wish you all the best 🍀🥰. If you are interested, there is depth psychology help for women's anger online.