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RE: Which version of 'The Line' shall I make a super dang fine recording of?

in dPoll3 years ago

Voted for

Hi mate,

very nice song and lyrics! I like the Original version the most, just because it sounds so harmonic :)
Feel free to tag me if you'll release the song as studio version!

Also feel free to check out my latest song, too! It's called "Nie wieder" (it's German and stands for "never again") and is 100% produced in 432 Hz - a frequency which is said to have healing and harmonizing effects :) I do both verses (XCHNG) while a friend of mine is performing the chorus (Scep).

You can find it on every digital store (and Youtube) under the following link:

I would love to hear your thoughts on this! :) Thanks in advance!

Have a nice day


Hey, great song, I just had a listen and put your lyrica through the translator. I especially liked,

Since we were little we hear from them "never say never" //
But whoever says something like that usually lacks discipline
The energy to take part, far too many prefer to chill out here //
I go on my way, stay true to my words, pool my strength and say "NEVER AGAIN" //

Thanks so much for voting! For sure I'll tag you in the final production.

Ps. I dreamed in 430 once (not 432), I know this because I remembered something in it and tuned my guitar to make that work. All the above recordings are in 430 btw.

No need to thank mate - we have to thank for your music! ♥️

Nice to hear - I guess it's still way more harmonic than this 440 Hz crap ! :)

Sure, well I find the frequency to be arbitrary. As the intention with the music makes it into something that has effect. I have experimented with 432hz and even 425hz. The spiritual theory behind it sounds nice, but from my experience makes little difference. Of course, some people vouch for it and preach it from the mountain tops. Each to their own.

And thank you so much for your feedback - I really love to hear, that you like it - thanks!

No problem. Keep up the good work! 😊