Normal Life That Feels Abnormal


The words in the title of my article may sound strange and confusing. How can a normal life feel abnormal, or vice versa?

Things that you often perceive as abnormal because you feel uncomfortable as usual. Feeling unusual makes you feel "abnormal". then your mind starts overthinking and creates fear and anxiety.


It's All Right Being Not Fine

Seeing other people laugh when you are alone feeling the pain of various problems, will make you feel like you have an abnormal life. You are busy making people's lives a guide for your life. In fact, what you see does not necessarily feel like what they feel.

Can you accept the failure and sadness you are going through? The more you accept, the lighter your burden will be. The more you try to scream not to accept it all, you feel you don't deserve it all, the more depressed your life will be. As a result, all negative energy rests on you. You will have a hard time seeing opportunities to be happy.

It's okay when you don't feel okay. Instead, it is normal because it indicates you are going through a process. Without a process, you will just be stuck without growing. You must be willing to process first to bring out the best in yourself.

The best things in you that you haven't even felt are the things that will only come with a process. It won't happen with you just standing still, doing nothing to avoid failure and pain.

Precisely the thing you need to be afraid of is when you feel stuck without being hurt but also you don't find happiness. You will only feel empty, lonely, and even more terrible you will be a happy person, but pretend.

When life gives us a lot of problems to solve, it's normal even if we feel abnormal! Other people have experienced the same thing, just don't tell you. :)

This life is normal, for those of you who understand the essence that strength can only be obtained by practicing mastering pain while practicing.

Stay blessed!




This writing is inspired by my daily life when I process many things. I wanted to take note of it all and maybe it's worth reading for you guys. Who knows. :)

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

Image Sources: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5.

Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari

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Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


Yes a lot of people pretend as if they do not have any problem but they are facing one challenges or the other but they keep those problem aside so that they won't harm themself.

But where you keep on showing yours or you are now your pain or problem to get over you people will see you as abnormal.

Some people it's not that they are mad or they are not well okay, but when you see them on the road they will be talking to themselves some will be even shouting on themselves because they are facing one problem or the other.

so with this people will see them as abnormal person and to avoid that is that we should always try to get over our problem and laugh at it.

Let us help in God that all the problem will be solved and you will be trying all the best to solve it, the one you can not solved you take advice from people and they share with you how to overcome problem.

In this life we face alot of challenges but the best is we should tackle the problem instantly and get over it.

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I love these post that you make that invites us to reflect. I even touched on an important topic and I appreciate that you made your opinion known about it dear friend @anggreklestari
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid start to the week

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@anggreklestari You have discussed a beautiful subject with us. I value your words. I also agree with this experience from your life. Because many times in our normal life unnatural events come down, and we are never ready to accept them. But in order for everything to happen in the normal way, we have to accept the abnormal situations. And we have to feel this unknown feeling. That is, we have to accept everything for the good of others and for laughter.

Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful words with us.

 3 years ago  

Many times the comparative exercises of our lives with those of others, can be exhausting and hopeless, however, knowing that each person is a universe by himself, and that each of us goes at his own pace, can be of great help to live our existential processes with awareness and learn from them. This post, like all the others you write, are of great depth, which makes us reflect on the path that awaits us in life. Greetings.