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RE: Let's talk about smoke Weed and Meditation

It is indeed. Do you mean holding breath in with fully inhaled or exhaled lungs. I have tried most pranayama variations, some Wim Hof and some resistance based excersices with mask or other airflow restrictions 😊 Now I keep it very simple with a short variation of what is shown here:


Ok, that's good!
Troy is good!

But I didn't mean exactly that ;)
Exhale and trying not to breathe at all, as like you are holding on to exhale with the Wim Hof method but completely aware of that as well.
There is a place where we can reach with no breathing for an extended period of 10-30 min...

I see. 10-30 is a long journey I guess and probably requires more than just body oriented practice.

Да мога да ти препоръчам мой приятел учител по Сварга доста напред с енергиините практики.

Youtube video

Може да му разгледаш и част от материала ако искаш...

$rewarding 20%