The super infusion: most effective nutritional supplement: Turmeric / Mint / Ginger / Honey.

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Hello, kind people from Natural Medicine and all Hive! I hope that you are having a nice weekend so far. My weekend has been full with home chores but I am nearly ready to take Sunday to not do anything at all but rest, which is great.

I wanted to share with you today a special recommendation that I am trying to implement a new habit, and this is consuming at least twice or more a Turmeric infusion. On this occasion, I have decided to prepare it with Ginger, mint, and honey, which is a powerful combination to give to your bodies something that is 100% beneficial and awesome for many reasons.


I could try and write a long article about all of the positive things that I have read and seen in videos about turmeric. It is impressive how the studies suggest anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, also helps in the prevention of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases associated with neuronal and cerebral activity.

With ginger being the same, there is abundant evidence that points to a relation between consuming ginger regularly and improving weight, digestion, and energy.

About the mint, what I like is the minerals that give, the scent, and also it is known to help the breathing system. And for lubricating and protecting our throat, amongst the many other properties that Honey has, it is just great to make every infusion sweet and tasty.


I´ll share now how I make this infusion:

I peel a piece of the ginger, without cutting too much of the root but carefully just removing the skin.



Then I place it in a small pot and add 1 ¼ cup of water (because some get evaporated after boiling). I turn on the pot at a low flame and put the cover of the pot, and leave it for about 10 minutes. This step is tricky because ginger has some proteins. Apparently, once they start to boil, if the pot has a cover, it can drip off and make a small mess in the kitchen, so I will recommend that it is important to put a very low flame to prepare this. Once it is boiling I usually leave it for 10-15 minutes and then turn off the pot.




The next step I make is adding the mint to the ginger infusion when it is still very hot. I stir it a bit with a spoon and then put the cover again for about 5 minutes.



After this the infusion is almost ready, I just strain the mint and the ginger, serve it on my favorite cup, and then add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one tablespoon of honey. If you do can't find turmeric powder (dehydrated), then you can buy the fresh root, which looks very much like ginger but is way smaller and it has this orange intense color inside. If you happen to buy the fresh turmeric, add it with the ginger at the beginning of the process to boil.







Even though I am not a doctor to recommend or to assure you that this is “the good thing”, what I can say is that every time I drink this infusion I feel more energetic, I feel like my anxiety levels go a little bit lower, so I do my craving for junk food or sweet food. When I drink it after eating lunch or any meal, I feel like it helps me to digest better, and since I have been taking it, I feel more focused when I need to, and I guess that it has been boosting my immune system as well because I haven’t even gotten the flu for months now.

So I leave you guys with my experience and I hope that my recipe sounds like something you might want to taste, and you try it, perhaps you could turn it into a habit as well to drink this and it will help you as much as it is doing to me. Thank you for your precious time, I send regards and my best wishes to all.


Until next time.



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Thank you for sharing this. That is a good recipe. Have a good weekend! 😄👍
🥦 !LUV 🥦






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 3 years ago  

Sooo good for you = antiflammatory, pain relief, immunity - you name it!

Correct! There is a record of rheumatoid arthritis in my family and I can really say that it helps with pain and everything that you mentioned. Thanks for the input, regards to you.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome! When I was a teenager I had an ayurveda passionate doctor as the family doctor, and he recommended turmeric for almost everything. So I have been eating turmeric for some 40 years now and really think it's amazing.