Relieve your discomfort with oregano - A natural medicine! - By: @Cindycam

in Natural Medicine • 3 years ago



Oregano as a natural medicine

Our oregano plant, normally we use its fragrant and delicate leaves, to use them in our meals, adding an incomparable flavor, but it is also that the oregano plant provides benefits to our health.

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Oregano is widely used, in fact I have a small plant in my house, it is my little bonsai, but made of oregano; This plant that is also medicinal, who would have imagined it? It has healthy benefits in it that help us when we have some type of condition and that in one way or another helps to counteract the situation.


Natural medicine - Oregano

This oregano plant is found in many parts, these images are specifically the sample of the great amount of life of this plant in our beloved Sucre-Venezuela, where oregano grows everywhere, we can find it both in the entrances of the houses as in their funds. It is a pleasure to have this plant to flavor meals and also to help with some conditions, as they are:

🌿 The terrible cough with phlegm.🌿It is used to treat bronquitos.
🌿Relief of stomach spasms.🌿 Relieves colic.
🌿 Among others.

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How can we use the oregano plant as a natural medicine?

Natural remedy in the form of Tea:

This natural remedy is very helpful, we can ingest it in a moderate way and it serves to greatly improve the condition of cough with phlegm and bronchitis.

Preparation mode:

🌿 Tea, we must prepare it, placing the amount of water we want to drink, a small cup is fine and pour it into a saucepan.

🌿 We add our oregano leaves, previously washed. Multiple sheets.

🌿 We put on the fire until boiling.

🌿 After the tea water is at rest, we must drink it warm.

The tea is really a stronger concentrate with the inclusion of the leaves, where together they must be at the same time to boil, making the process of what is the "TEA".

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Oregano infusion natural remedy:

The infusion of our natural plant is beneficial for the relief of colic and stomach spasms, which often affect us.

🌿 Place the amount of water, in a saucepan, with the measure of a cup or two, to drink it twice a day.

🌿 We take the water to the fire and let it boil.

🌿 When it boils, we turn off and immediately add the leaves of the oregano plant and place the lid, letting it rest in this way.

🌿 After approximately five minutes, this infusion, we have to pass it through a strainer and drink warmly, to alleviate the discomfort that afflicts us.

Unlike tea, the infusion is prepared in a different way, having the same property to relieve. The tea is much more concentrated than the infusion.

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Helpful Recommendations:

🌿 The two remedies in their presentations are excellent, always without abusing natural medicine, like everything we drink to improve ourselves, not exceed daily doses.

🌿 For the preparation of our tea or our infusion, it can be prepared with the leaves in their fresh state or in their driest state, in the same way, the oregano leaves will have the desired effect to relieve discomfort.

Natural medicine with oregano

Having the opportunity to use this type of natural remedies makes us more careful with our mother nature, with the life she has and that she offers us to relieve us in certain ailments.

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Greetings friends


It has multiple benefits, I didn't know that. It would be good to extract its essential oil

Oregano is very beno, I love its smell, it is delicious, it is like being in my childhood publo all the time. And home remedies are very helpful, thanks to the fact that there is natural medicine.