The connection of gratitude and manifest

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

the connection of gratitude and manifest.png
Source I | Source II | Source III | Source IV

Es momento en el cuál por fin la marea comienza a descender y, a pesar de que ha sido una larga semana de ausencia no quita que no haya sido de aprendizaje, trabajar y, observar mis sentimientos desde fuera ha sido la herramienta que impulsa la creatividad y la sensibilidad para conectarse con todo aquello que habíamos alejado mientras íbamos contra corriente.

Me siento en silencio y concluyo que cómo todos somos agua no debemos agitarnos, debemos cuidar nuestra calma y fluir conforme vayamos aprendiendo, pero también debemos aprovechar esas lluvias que se nos enciman para regarnos internamente, que nuestra raíz se haga más grande y florezcamos más aprisa, con más belleza y fuerza.

It's time when the tide finally starts to go out and, despite the fact that it's been a long week of absence, it's been a week of learning, working and observing my feelings from the outside, it's been the tool that drives creativity and sensitivity to connect with everything that we've been away from while going against the current.

I feel in silence and I conclude that since we are all water we should not be agitated, we should take care of our calm and flow as we learn, but we should also take advantage of those rains that are turning on us to water us internally, so that our roots become bigger and we bloom faster, with more beauty and strength.

Así que entre tanto dar vueltas en la cama y pedirle respuestas al universo me di cuenta que dejaba pasar los días como si de cambiar de canales se tratase, uno tras otro, inclusive con pequeños cortes comerciales y de nuevo, uno tras otro.

¿Qué estoy haciendo? Pensé.

Muchas veces pedimos, pedimos porque tenemos carencia, porque queremos, porque según hemos sido tan buenos qué lo merecemos. ‘’Yo jamás he hecho daño a nadie, por qué ha de ocurrirme esto a mí’’ Y no nos damos cuenta que lo único, lo más sencillo, lo que activa a las energías para que trabajen junto con nosotros y poder encaminarnos como debemos es el agradecer.

So in between tossing and turning and asking the universe for answers, I realized that I was letting the days go by as if I were changing channels, one after another, even with small commercial breaks and again, one after another.

What am I doing? I thought.

Many times we ask, we ask because we have lack, because we want, because as we have been so good what we deserve. ''I have never hurt anyone, why should this happen to me?'' And we don't realize that the only thing, the simplest thing, that activates the energies to work together with us and to be able to go on as we should is to be grateful.

Me he despertado dando por hecho el día, contando los pasos, abriendo la nevera, observando las cosas y detrás de mí en todo momento se encontraba ese ‘tic-tac’ incesante que me demuestra el límite de nuestro templo físico, límite que estoy desperdiciando por el ‘’dar por hecho’’ las cosas.

¿Cómo puedo exigirle al universo que me trate y me dé lo que yo quiero si yo ni siquiera puedo agradecerle por lo que tengo en éste momento? Fue ahí entonces cuándo sentí la presión de un cuerpo que iba siendo trasladado a gran velocidad hacía el presente y la sensibilidad que sentía sobre mis ojos era indescriptible, de pronto se amplificaba todo objeto ante mis ojos, a gran escala y pensaba: ‘’¿Qué tanto he dado por hecho que esto está aquí y cuántas veces habré agradecido yo por esto?’’.

I woke up taking the day for granted, counting the steps, opening the refrigerator, looking at things, and behind me at all times was that incessant 'ticking' which shows me the limit of our physical temple, a limit which I am wasting by taking things for granted.

How can I demand that the universe treat me and give me what I want if I can't even thank it for what I have right now? It was then that I felt the pressure of a body being moved at great speed into the present and the sensitivity I felt about my eyes was indescribable, suddenly every object was amplified before my eyes, on a large scale and I thought: "How much have I taken for granted that this is here and how many times have I thanked for this?''

Source V

Fue ahí cuándo, entre tanto dar tumbos por doquier me desplomé hacía el suelo y con la sensación de que todos mis sentidos estaban amplificados boté la amargura que me embriagaba a diario y agradecí, por cada segundo y cada espacio.

— Gracias. —en voz alta.

No te voy a mentir, el dolor de cabeza que sentí después no tenía magnitud de descripción, con cada paso que daba algo iba botando en el camino, me interpretaba a mí misma como despedazando una coraza que me limitaba de vivir y sentir, visualizaba un paso y caía una pieza.

That's when, while stumbling around, I fell to the ground and with the feeling that all my senses were amplified, I threw away the bitterness that intoxicated me daily and I was grateful for every second and every space.

—Thank you. —out loud.

I'm not going to lie to you, the headache I felt afterwards was not of the magnitude of a description, with every step I took something was bouncing on the road, I interpreted myself as tearing apart an armour that limited me from living and feeling, I visualised a step and a piece fell.

Luego de varios días de comprender que todo está en movimiento, comencé dos libretas distintas con el mismo propósito: agradecer; y desde que despierto receptiva a todo lo mejor, es dónde percibo que el arte de ésta vida está en agradecer, en movernos, observar, admirar y que mientras más nos mantengamos en el sentimiento insano de carecer más amargados nos iremos sintiendo.

Me gusta reflexionar y conocer sobre nuestras conexiones y nuestra guía. Ha sido una semana de muchos cambios, dolor sí, desasosiego, pero también de respuestas y manifestaciones.

El agradecimiento es la pieza de ese sistema de poleas que hace falta para que todo empiece a moverse, pide y se te dará, siempre y cuando sea desde el agradecimiento.

After several days of understanding that everything is in motion, I started two different notebooks with the same purpose: to thank; and since I wake up receptive to all the best, it is where I perceive that the art of this life is in thanking, in moving, observing, admiring and that the longer we remain in the feeling of lack, more bitter we will feel.

I like to reflect and learn about our connections and our guidance. It has been a week of many changes, pain yes, uneasiness, but also of responses and manifestations.

The gratitude is the piece of that system of pulleys that is necessary so that everything begins to move, asks and will be given to you, as long as it is from the gratitude

Esta semana les traeré mucho contenido con respecto a esto, también cuando tenga más tiempo con las libretas que ya mencioné les iré comentando los cambios que se vayan presentando, todo aquello que aprenda para compartirlo con ustedes. También ¡por fin! Os traeré algunos consejos para mantenernos en productividad y sobretodo de crecimiento personal. He estado escribiendo mucho, muchas historias de fantasía y creo que concluiré de nuevo algún libro ¿os gustaría que hablase del proceso y todo éste proyecto? Inclusive hasta pienso crear un videojuego de la historia.

En fin, lamento mucho mi ausencia y que no les he presentado contenido ésta semana, pero por lo menos la siguiente vendrá REPOTENCIADA. Gracias por leerme.

This week I will bring you much content in this regard, also when I have more time with the notebooks I mentioned I will be commenting on the changes that are presented, everything I learn to share with you. Also, finally, I will bring you some tips to keep us productive and above all, personal growth. I've been writing a lot, many fantasy stories and I think I'll conclude some book again. Would you like me to talk about the process and this whole project? I'm even thinking of creating a video game of the story.

Anyway, I am very sorry for my absence and that I have not presented you with any content this week, but at least the next week will come WITH ALL. Thank you for reading me.


Querida Daniela,

You're awesome!

I wish I was so wise at your age ( back then I was in Uni and probably thinking that I was wise but it was more like 'intelligent', there was little emotional or spiritual wisdom ).

Then again, I don't regret the past ( that is not helpful at all and won't change a thing ).

All of these experiences were needed to make me the person that I am today. Lessons to be learnt, often over and over again ( until I listened ).

All the contrast, all the struggle, all the things that I didn't like to do or see, it was all needed to find out where my passion lies and what I want to focus on, for me to level up.

Your message is beautiful and I love the way you write - like a mix between a diary and a book on philosophy.

I've been writing a lot, many fantasy stories and I think I'll conclude some book again. Would you like me to talk about the process and this whole project? I'm even thinking of creating a video game of the story.

That sounds amazing and I'd love to hear more! :<)

Much love and good vibes,


P.S. I love these little hearts of yours ( so let me copy paste them here )image.png

 4 years ago  

Thank u so much Vincent, you're Awesome too. 💚

Thank u for all the support, i'm so glad to have met you.

I wish I was so wise at your age

I think that i'm just a girl who eats books and always search for answers.

Although for various misfortunes I have had to skip many steps of adolescence in order to process things and grow up.

when I go ahead with the book and the video game you'll be the first to know.
and omg, u blushed me, I love the way you write actually, when i read you i always think that every word is literally in front of me and telling me the story.

I enjoy so much the attitude of gratitude when I find it in others - especially when they are grateful in less than easy circumstances. Appreciated your post so much today.

I, too, have a gratitude journal that sits on the coffee table next to my favourite chair by the window. It is a wonderful habit!

Enjoy your lovely image collages too - they add so much to your posts. 😍

 4 years ago  

Thank u so much. I have many things to learn about gratitude, whenever I find something it simply dazzles me more than the previous and fills me with happiness.

Maybe you should write about your gratitude journal, it would be inspiring 💚 I visualized the space where you have it and it brought me serenity.

Many blessings and hugs. ✨🤗😌

It could happen. 😊 Although I have a LONG list of posts in my content schedule - 😆 never short of something to write about.

Did you know there's a special community on Hive from gratitude and appreciation posts?

It's fairly new but always good to spread yourself a bit for a wider following. I see some lovely posts from people posting there.


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 4 years ago (edited) 

#posh ~~~ embed:1279480026229092352 💚 twitter metadata:am8xbWFyY2h8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vam8xbWFyY2gvc3RhdHVzLzEyNzk0ODAwMjYyMjkwOTIzNTIg8J+Smnw= ~~~

What a beautiful post, it is amazing how we open the door to abundance when we learn the act of gratitude. As you said how can we expect anything if we are not grateful for what we have. Seeing the beauty in life, brings more to us and expressing gratitude opens up the flow of abundance. So simply once we embrace it. Thank you for this wonderful post xx
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Daniela de mi corazón, ¿me puedes hacer el favor de perderte otra semana? Porque si en cada regreso nos traerás maravillas como estas, entonces piérdete las veces que quieras, mi amor. jajjajaja.

NO vale, en serio, escribes espectacular. Tienes una manera de adentrarnos en tu mundo, en tu vida. Conectas en el lector, lo envuelves. Te felicito, no solo por tu literatura, sino por tu constante crecimiento; por ese empeño en no quedarte estancada. Por aprovechar cada instante o cada experiencia para ser mejor, para superarte.

Te admiro muchísimo @danielapevs, de verdad.

Un abrazo fortísimo desde acá.

Por aquí pasó "El Comentador"

JAJAJAJJAJAJAJ siii que se pierda todo lo que quiera aquí estamos todos nosotros esperando - sin presionar, a que nos deslumbre con todita su luz!

Si, vale. Daniela escribe maravilloso. Cuando se ausenta me preocupo. Espero esté bien.

Esta es una publicación de oro mil gracias por compartir daniela!

Llegué tarde para darte caramelos pero no quería perderme lo que traes para compartir.

Es hermoso y me alegra demasiado que estés agarrando ese impulso.

¿Que si quiero saber de tu proceso de escribir tu libro y tu proyecto? SÍ. TOTALMENTE. Sí a todo.

Gracias por compartir y por seguir compartiendo. Me encanta como escribes y como la realidad se difumina con las metáforas y la fantasía.
