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RE: The connection of gratitude and manifest

Querida Daniela,

You're awesome!

I wish I was so wise at your age ( back then I was in Uni and probably thinking that I was wise but it was more like 'intelligent', there was little emotional or spiritual wisdom ).

Then again, I don't regret the past ( that is not helpful at all and won't change a thing ).

All of these experiences were needed to make me the person that I am today. Lessons to be learnt, often over and over again ( until I listened ).

All the contrast, all the struggle, all the things that I didn't like to do or see, it was all needed to find out where my passion lies and what I want to focus on, for me to level up.

Your message is beautiful and I love the way you write - like a mix between a diary and a book on philosophy.

I've been writing a lot, many fantasy stories and I think I'll conclude some book again. Would you like me to talk about the process and this whole project? I'm even thinking of creating a video game of the story.

That sounds amazing and I'd love to hear more! :<)

Much love and good vibes,


P.S. I love these little hearts of yours ( so let me copy paste them here )image.png

 4 years ago  

Thank u so much Vincent, you're Awesome too. 💚

Thank u for all the support, i'm so glad to have met you.

I wish I was so wise at your age

I think that i'm just a girl who eats books and always search for answers.

Although for various misfortunes I have had to skip many steps of adolescence in order to process things and grow up.

when I go ahead with the book and the video game you'll be the first to know.
and omg, u blushed me, I love the way you write actually, when i read you i always think that every word is literally in front of me and telling me the story.