Psychology and Mental Health: "Allowing" Ourselves to be OK

It is an interesting idea that sometimes we have to actually "allow" ourselves to be OK.

Maybe it's just testament to our horribly messed up world that I even write these words — a reflection on the sad reality that "being of sound mind" has become more of an exception than the norm.


Yesterday, I found myself talking to Ann the therapist, and evidently "Covid-related Depression" has become an actual thing in the mental health profession.

It's characterized by listlessness, irritability and a sort of apathy resulting from not being able to do certain things we normally enjoy doing.

Apparently this whole pandemic thing is wreaking havoc on a lot of people's minds. At times like these, I am grateful for being an introvert with a natural tendency to keep to myself by choice.

I submitted to Ann that I am going to allow myself to be OK, rather than starting to view myself as some sort of victim of something that is clearly outside my control.


As I reflected a bit more on the whole discussion, it occurred to me that I have "been here before." Whereas it probably had something to do with my (lacking!) self-esteem at the time, some 25 years ago I discovered that I had fallen into a habit of reaching for depression, not because I actually was depressed, but our of a sort of misery loves company compulsion because so many among the company I kept at the time were in therapy with some kind of mental disturbance.

In order to not feel like the odd man out I would also go through the motions of suffering from depression and anxiety, simply because I wasn't too sure how my circle of friends would feel about "one of us" not having anything wrong.

Of course, that was pretty much nonsense, and it wasn't long before my therapist at the time suggested that I would probably be better off if I would "allow" myself to just be OK, and not to worry so much about the fact that most people around me were going through a rough patch.


Maybe that all sounds kind of freaky and weird, but evidently it's not that rare... it's not unusual for people to engage in unhealthy behavior patterns with the objective of maintaining balance and harmony within their social group.

I've determined that I am basically "too old for that shit," so I'm giving myself permission to be OK, chaos in the world notwithstanding! No, I am not depressed about having to stay home more. No, I am not depressed because I have to wear a mask in public. No, I am not depressed because I can't travel anywhere... the list is long.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you all are doing well out there!

How about YOU? Has the past six months affected your state of mind and emotional well-being? Do you think Covid-19 Depression is a real thing, or just another excuse to medicate people? Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!

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Created at 20200807 18:45 PDT



I don't understand "downvotes" -- well, honestly I do, but I don't understand why someone would "downvote" this -- and I don't understand the whole sliding scale above either, because it's been a few years since I've "hived" LOL, but this (all these words) is one of the reasons I'm baaaack.
I've missed your voice, oh "man who keeps the world safe for me" and I'm looking forward to rejoining the world of words.

Seems I'm on someone's automated shit list... actually, someone who follows and likes my content is on that person's shit list, so I am really getting a "retaliatory" downvote for something that has pretty much nothing to do with me. It's "very Reddit," if you ask me... but I've learned to just not be bothered by it.

With that out of the way, it does make me really happy to see you back in the Blah-gosphere!

I had already removed cesspool cities like NY. DC. Baltimore, Miami, Chicago, Detroit... etc. From my travel list years ago.

Now I avoid them all. Routing around and refusing altogether to deliver to any large metropolis. Daylight hours only when impossible to avoid one. My options are very few on loads, and I have fallen back onto a few friends in the freighy business that I have made over the years. Loading in safe areas. And daylight deliveries. The threat is real, as the joke we call news media, will not report on the violence against motorists. Many of them truck drivers.

I will defend my own life and my fuzzy lil co-pilots. But also I will avoiding having to do so the best that I can. This fear is real. The angziety and stress that accompanies it is horrible. I will park the truck and bill collectors be damned if it gets any worse in this formerly free country we live in.

Oh look... Here comes a few Peace-Fool protestors now... Heheh

Posted using Dapplr

I don't envy you, trying to stay safe out there in that shitshow. Good on you for bypassing the big places... the unrest seems pretty strong and just goes on and on.

Not so much happens here in our small town (of 10,000) and we're well out of the way of most things...

Stay well, my friend!

THIS. IS. AWESOME. !! Nailed it!!

I am allowing myself to be OK
I am allowing myself to not conform to the group narrative of anxiety and depression
I am allowing myself to determine how I feel.


I think one of the keys to it all — and perhaps to a fulfilling life — is to allow ourselves not to conform to the group narrative. We give ourselves permission to subscribe to our own (well informed) narrative.

Apparently this whole pandemic thing is wreaking havoc on a lot of people's minds. At times like these, I am grateful for being an introvert with a natural tendency to keep to myself by choice.


it's not unusual for people to engage in unhealthy behavior patterns with the objective of maintaining balance and harmony within their social group.

Hell, I spent 2 decades of partying with idiots trying that one out for size - Until I realized how stoopid I was being...
'Realized'??...Bollocs...I'm flattering myself - It was forced upon me by external circumstances.
Now I just feign the wisdom of how I 'learned' to become enlightened...

The thing about "idiots" is that they tend to have FAR more experience at being idiots than we do... and so are much better at it. So hanging out with them, trying to fit in? It just doesn't work well... been there, done that.

Yup - I did my best to dumb down for far too long..didn't end well...

@denmarkguy, In my opinion most of the times people Judge those who have no issues, and in contradictory unexpected people do unimaginable things due to the Psychological Issues which are completely ignored because in my opinion most of the times Judgement is based on Material Perspective. Stay blessed.

Yes, people judging each other and comparing can be the root of many troubles, and yes... a lot of people are psychologically unstable, and have never done anything to improve themselves or even look at their old issues.

I do agree that we at times change our behaviours just to fit in, so strong is this sense of wanting to be belong. It is wise to remember that we always belong in nature and that we should never feel pressured to be anything but ourselves.
I do believe that this forced lock down is having detrimental affects on people's mental health, especial those who have been forced into self isolation and can not visit their family. Or those living in abusive homes with no longer any escape. Unfortunately suicide rates have risen in every country because of this.
Not all of us are happy to be by ourselves! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

Curated for #naturalmedicine by @trucklife-family.

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Thanks @trucklife-family, there's a lot to be said for being as much off-grid as possible, these days. Yes, I definitely think more than a few people are going "stir crazy" in the current situation... especially those who are far from their relatives or support systems, for one reason or another.

Hi there @cuddlekitten!