[Eng-Spa] Late april garden update | Actualización del huerto de finales de abril

in Natural Medicine3 years ago


Hola amigos de Hive! En esta ocasión vuelvo para mostrarles como va mi huerto y lo que he hecho hasta ahora. Estoy entusiasmada con las ultimas cosechas y que poco a poco he ido agregando mas cultivos y la mayoría van muy bien, considerando que en esta época del año no llueve y el sol es muy muy intenso, lo que afecta a muchas plantas que se estresan por el calor.

Hello friends of Hive! This time I am back to show you how my garden is doing and what I have done so far. I am very excited with the last harvests and that little by little I have been adding more crops and most of them are doing very well, considering that at this time of the year it does not rain and the sun is very very intense, which affects many plants that are stressed by the heat.

Bien, a mi me gusta mucho comparar cada cierto tiempo el crecimiento de mis plantas para ver cómo van evolucionando, todo este proceso me fascina, como una planta crece desde la semilla o esqueje y luego se convierte en una gran planta de la cosecharemos los frutos y los comeremos, es demasiado genial. Así que si se quieren poner al tanto aquí les dejo mis últimos 2 posts: Domingo de tareas en el huerto y Estoy de regreso en Hive (Les cuento sobre mi huerto)

Well, I really like to compare every so often the growth of my plants to see how they are evolving, this whole process fascinates me, how a plant grows from seed or cutting and then becomes a great plant from which we will harvest the fruits and eat them, it's too cool. So if you want to catch up here are my last 2 posts: Sunday chores in the garden and I'm back in Hive (Talk about my orchard)

Lo primero que les contaré y que me emociona mucho es que por fin mi planta de auyama (calabaza) me dio un fruto. Estaba un poco decepcionada y triste porque había estado floreando por un tiempo que no logré obtener nada, incluso había pensado arrancarla y al final decidí solamente podarla a ver si eso ayudaba en algo. Para mi sorpresa un par de semanas después salió esta bella auyama que hizo que toda la espera valiera la pena.

The first thing I will tell you and that excites me a lot is that finally my pumpkin plant gave me a fruit. I was a little disappointed and sad because it had been flowering for a while and I didn't get anything, I had even thought about pulling it up and in the end I decided to just prune it to see if that would help. To my surprise a couple of weeks later this beautiful pumpkin came out and made all the waiting worth it.

Primer dia, la flor se abrio, en espera de polinizadores. | First day, the flower bloomed, waiting for polinators

2 dias despues. | 2 days later

image.png4 dias despues | after 4 days

También tengo esta auyama de otra planta que sembré junto a la yuca, pero esta si es pequeña, ya tiene como 1 mes y no mide más de 12 cm creo, es una variedad parecida a la calabaza butternut que es casi anaranjada por dentro y mas dulce.

I also have this pumpkin from another plant that I planted next to the cassava, but this one is small, it is about 1 month old and it is no more than 12 cm I think, it is a variety similar to the butternut squash that is almost orange inside and sweeter.


Como me gusto mucho lo fácil y rápido que se dio sembré mas en otra parte del huerto que me parece que saldrán mejor, ya que las otras al estar bajo varias plantas de yuca le da muy poco sol y hay poca circulación de aire lo que aumenta la propagación de mildiu.

As I liked very much how easy and quick it was, I planted more in another part of the orchard that I think will come out better, since the others are under several cassava plants, it gets very little sun and there is little air circulation, which increases the spread of mildew.


Las demás plantas del huerto van muy bien, las yucas que sembré a finales de febrero y marzo están creciendo aceleradamente, las bananas se siguen reproduciendo y hace un par de días coseche un gran racimo (el de la foto de portada), siempre es una alegría cosechar el fruto de nuestro trabajo. Además de todo esto, mis plantas de ají dulce están igualmente grandes y han sido tan prolíficas que decidí sembrar más en macetas.

The other plants in the garden are doing very well, the cassava that I planted at the end of February and March are growing rapidly, the bananas continue to reproduce and a couple of days ago I harvested a large bunch (the one in the cover photo), it is always a joy to harvest the fruit of our labor. In addition to all this, my sweet chili plants are equally large and have been so prolific that I decided to plant more in pots.

Yucas sembradas a finales de febrero | Cassava planted at the end of february


Yuca sembrada a finales de marzo | Cassava planted in late march

El racimo de bananas antes de ser cosechado. | The banana bunch before de harvest

Mis ajies dulces, aqui hay como 4 o 5 matas. | My sweet chilli, here are like 4 or 5 plants

La cosecha de la semana, realmente ha dado mas pero esta cosecha es compartida con mi vecino. | The crop of a week, it's really more but this is shared with my neighbor

image.pngProximas matas de aji, en cada maceta hay un tipo distinto. | Next sweet chilli plants, there's a different variety in each pot

Por último les muestro como van unas pequeñas plantitas de flor de Jamaica que pronto sembraré en otros jardines cerca de mi casa y una que sembré al frente de mi casa en el jardín del vecino que ya está bastante grande. No puedo esperar a cosechar ya estas flores porque quiero hacer mermelada

Lastly, I show you how some small Roselle/Jamaican sorrel little plants that I will soon plant in other gardens near my house and one that I planted in front of my house in the neighbor's garden that is already quite big. I can't wait to harvest these flowers now because I want to make jam.



Bueno hivers es todo lo que tengo para decirles por esta ocasión, pronto estaré posteando más cosas acerca de mi huerto, espero se mantengan al tanto de mis publicaciones y no se pierdan nada ¡saludos!

Well hivers that's all I have to tell you for this occasion, soon I will be posting more things about my garden, I hope you keep up with my publications and don't miss anything, regards!

Gracias por leerme. | Thanks for reading.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría. | All photos are my own.

 3 years ago  

I think I'm talking to a garden addict! Great that the pumpkin grew!

you can bet that yes! hehe thanks a lot!! it is getting prettier everyday!

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 3 years ago  

Me encanta tu huerta, está muy variada y muy sana. Es muy satisfactorio poder sembrar nuestro alimento y conectarnos con Madre Tierra de forma tan directa. Un gran saludo @fanyokami.

muchas gracias!!! a mi tambien me encanta de verdad amo mi pedacito de tierra mas que nunca porque no solo me da comida sino paz interior y serenidad.
sakudos!! gracias por pasar por aqui ;)

Es toda una bendición , poder recolectar los frutos de la madre tierra , mis benciones 🙏

muchas gracias!! de verdad que lo es!!

 3 years ago  

Cassava leaves and pumpkin flowers, a big part of our diet. Have you ever eaten pumpkin flowers or cassava leaves? They can be delicious if prepared properly.

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Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

I have tried pumpkin flowers but never cassava leaves!! i think is awesome that many many common things are edible and really nutritious, if you could reach me some recipe to cook it, it'll be awesome (also if you have knowledge of how to cook the banana blossom heart, i'll appreciate it too!!)

 3 years ago  

This is an old recipe I shared a long time ago. It's Indonesian style. Just remember you have to remove the cyanide from the leaves first. I basically boil them like pasta and throw away the water.

My wife @sreypov is the banana blossom chef, I'll summon her to share any recipes she may have.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

wow great!!! thank you!! I'll try them both!!

I was checking the recipe and it called my attention you are from Suriname! hehe we are pretty close! I am from Venezuela! I loved the recipe, I really will try to make something, this can be cooked in croquettes or fritters too right?? I love them

 3 years ago  

Yes, I live in Suriname, but I am not from here. Only Guyana separates us. You could fry them, but you still need to boil first to destroy the cyanide content. Some African countries boil them and then dry them in the sun, destroying even more cyanide. Cassava leaves are super high in protein, so you will find yourself quite full after eating a lot of them.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

the part of the protein is the one I liked the most! thanks for taking the time to explain me!! Maybe I will share it later!