
Neither do I.. well, I used to when everyone else started panicking and we went on very strict lockdown, you can't go out unless you have a quartine pass. It was really bad for everyone's mental health, am glad everything is doing a lot better now. It affected the whole economy, so many people losts job because many business shout down.

Are you ever going to get the vaccine if it requires?

 3 years ago (edited) 

No way I'm getting the vaccine, and I don't think anyone is going to care as I am completely independent (no job, no health insurance, not receiving any benefits from the government). I hope that the vaccine is just placebo and they're not placing anything harmful to the population, I don't want to go to town one day and find myself with the zombie apocalypse 😖

How about you?

Haha I wonder how it would be when zombies really exist, at least in have enough good in my pantry for now.

I won't get it unless required, there are places that requires it before you can enter their country and if I want to travel again in wouldn't have any options but it'd scary though. These people who makes the rules and think that they can easily enforce it because they have the power, it's shameful.

Had a lot of arguements when it go out and the guards at the mall or business would always hassle me about wearing face shield and sometimes I challenge them because they see me and not other people who's wearing their face shield on top of their head like a hat. I know it's a rule and they're doing there job but I hate when they pick on people who they want to set rules to.

I hate when people shows obvious hypocrisy coz I know that when they go on breaks, they remove their their face shields and even their masks. So many times in don't bother going in the store when I they start hassling me.

So, what do you do for living, how do you pay your internet connection if you don't have a job?

 3 years ago  

Good to know you stood up for yourself though!

I pay my internet connection with Hive 🙃

Now recently got solar power in the shelter! Soon I'll post about it 😎

Is it sustainable for a long time?

 3 years ago  

Let's hope so, it's a very rustic installation so I have to do a lot of work to improve it... But I also have many other things to do!!! I have to keep fetching firewood every day, adding protection to the shelter, feed myself and a recently arrived dog I called Laia, and most importantly I have to keep my Soul at peace as it's really easy to start going crazy when you spend so much time alone!