Monday with a little hack on the side

I don't hate Mondays, but there are times that Mondays seem to get the better of me. It seems to be a thing and I need to work on it not being...

Anyhow, another thing I am working on, is trying to get out of the office not later than 6pm. An important teleconference put paid to that yesterday, so it was another let-me-ferret supper. Meat-free, of course. It was Monday, remember?

After last week, I froze the wraps (we ate 3 of the 8) and beans. I knew there were not enough if the latter. Yesterday was about 10°C cooler than the previous five which created appetites.

At the market on Saturday, Cecil, who sells seasonal produce from local farmers, had some fabulous, sweet red and yellow peppers. I couldn't resist. I sliced them and some onion for a quick sauté with garlic, lime and lemon juice and fresh coriander.

The final and very un-Mexican, touch was tzatziki that was a market barter in exchange for some of my homemade cottage cheese.

The combination of flavours and the cooler weather appetite, saw the lot gone.

Oh, and remember last week, I didn't quite get the wraps right? Last evening, worried that if I warmed them, they'd dry out even more, I let them thaw as I prepared the other bits and then covered them until we were ready. It worked.

I shall add that bit of learning to my list of Fiona hacks.

Oh dear, there isn't one. Consider that the first on the list of Fiona hacks...

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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  • If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:
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    This looks so delicious, it's almost lunchtime and I'm now starving!
    We're just loving this sudden drop in temperatures; it was absolutely unbearable up till Monday morning.
    Have I missed something, you're a working gal? Will scroll back to see what you've been up to :)

    Yes, this respite in the heat has been a welcome relief. They'll be back up there again, though, before the summer's done! Truth be told, I've been working all along - or trying to - on the odd gig. But, yes, I have something which has serious long term prospects - I've not made and "official" announcement as we're still ironing out a few things. Suffice it to say, the ironing is going well and, in due course, I'll let the cat out of the bag...

    That sounds exciting Fiona, wish you the very best with this!
    I knew you were managing properties but sounded like you were busier now; I need to learn to close my office at night as well but find I concentrate better from late afternoon xx

    Thanks, Lizelle. My brain only kicks in - properly at about now - I've learned to adjust. No sundowners for me...hahaha if I only get out at 7pm. Especially in winter... I do, then, literally shut up shop, do supper and expire! lol

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who functions better as the day wears on! When I was still a working gal, my neighbour in the office was the opposite; my mind would be all over the place until well after lunchtime and often by the time I could focus and be at my most productive, she'd be wanting to chat as she'd been working flat out from early morning! We're still very good friends although not always on the same page. I used to find it very frustrating at times but luckily worked flexitime and she always left early so I got more done in the last hour than the entire morning session because of bad concentration; quite weird!
    So nowadays, hubby's in dreamland when I sit and do my admin or blog!

    Likewise, glad to know someone who shares my affliction! I am, however, done by 7pm! Then it's supper cooking and try to switch off.

    I have a friend and we used to work / consult together. She always says that it's like my lights go on!! She's a morning peron, too 🤣

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     3 years ago  

    Ooh, fresh bell peppers. I do love all the crucifers and root veggies, but my heart is longing for tomatoes, strawberries and all the spring/summer produce ahead! And I'll take some of your excess hot weather. We missed the crazy wave of snow but still below freezing here this AM. 🥶

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    I know what you mean: I will always pick summer and tomatoes and strawberries (hopefully from the garden next summer) over winter. Any day!

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     3 years ago  

    Stuffed flatbreads are a delicacy, as well as being very practical. I loved that you talked about how you bartered your homemade cottage cheese at the market for sweet (yummy, yummy) peppers. And although it is a simple dish, you contextualized it and explained it well. All the best.

    Los panes planos rellenos son una exquisitez, además de ser muy prácticos. Me encantó que hablaras del trueque que hiciste en el mercado de tu requesón casero por los pimientos dulces (uhmmm, deliciosos). Y aunque es un plato sencillo, lo contextualizaste y lo explicaste bien. Un saludo.

    Ah, yes, flatbreads - I do them, too. Bartering is something that we do a lot in the village and particularly between market stall holders.

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    Wait, did you say FOOD? Foodie is in town on #HIVE!

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    Thank you! Will pop by!

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