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RE: Wonderbag Double Feature: Two Easy Vegan Winter Soups

Now, both of these soups speak to me! I think I mentioned somewhere else that the squash one is similar to one I make with sweet potato and which is made with red lentils and thai flavours. It was a hit when I served it at my stand at the poetry festival. I need to give this "version" a go. Like you, I'd be keeping my Romanesco whole, but I like this combination and might give this a go with broccoli. I might also do it with mint.... Roll on winter... lol

 3 years ago  

Soup might just be its own love language. So many slight nuances you can tweak for flavor and texture to make endless delicious combinations. I'm sure the sweet potato version is excellent, as well. And mint....mmmm, that would be a great addition with the split peas and broccoli....

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Oh, yes, indeed. And don't forget those refreshing summer soups... A book, or a chapter at least, for sumptuous soups... lol