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RE: Grilled Tempeh & Veggies with Mushroom Toast

In our household, mushroom toast has been slowly replacing avocado toast :) Although it's hard to pick; they're both amazing and both vegetables are great in almost anything.

I'll have to try grilled broccoli! Brocc is one of my favorite foods but to my knowledge I don't believe I've ever had it grilled. This looks absolutely amazing! Great work!! And you're right, sometimes simple is better :)

 3 years ago  

I've been hard on the avocado toast train for quite a few years now, but that mushroom toast was definitely worthy of an encore! Maybe mushroom AND avocado on the same toast to really blow our minds? 😂

Definitely try some grilled broccoli when you can. Especially with that bit of lemon. Heavenly!

Maybe mushroom AND avocado on the same toast to really blow our minds?

I've done it :)))) Give it a go!!

And I definitely will on the broccoli front. A month ago we were in the dead of winter. Last week it was 70 degrees Fahrenheit and the grass was green. Today we're in another snowstorm.. so as soon as the weather stops fucking around I'll be grilling!

 3 years ago  

Oh that crazy spring weather. We almost hit freezing last week here in Atlanta. It's not totally unheard of for this time of year, but definitely not common. Though I'll be melting soon enough, so I shouldn't be upset with a little bit of cooler weather here and there, haha.

Ooof Atlanta.. I have good friends there, the last time I was in that area of the country I wanted to surprise visit them and on the way a piece of debris flew off a tractor trailer, smashed my rear view mirror, and quite nearly killed me. Unfortunately I didn't visit them after that and it left a bad taste in my mouth about ATL 😂

We have snow in the forecast again next Saturday. It's supposed to be in the 70s and raining all week before hand.. really no idea what's going on. I know our heat doesn't compare to GA's, but I'm not prepared for that insane summer humidity we get here. Not to mention the bugs. I'll take winter all year long strictly to avoid the bugs..