
LOL! Not yet, I tend to keep them for a minimum of 4 years, they don't break, which considering the life I live is saying something, LOL!

Thanks Hetty😊

Curious when you will go for it, and I can't wait to see the photos from your soon to be new iPhone.

I'm dreaming from iMacs and iPhones for a long time, but I just can't allow myself to spend that much money for this. Even tho I know that especially an iMac would bring me so much joy and comfort when editing my photos. But yeah, if I allow myself to buy a Mac, then the next thing is that I allow myself an iPhone. And yeah, while I'm at it, why not an iPad too? Yeah don't laugh, I want also be able to work outside, so that's why the iPad too ... lol.

Better for me to not do that, YET! 😂

Oh, I so hear you about dreams of IMacs, I did a lot of audio-visual work at one point in the past, and those Apple people know a thing or two about making a product that excels for work in audio/video/photo editing area. I so hope you get one before long, the world needs even more of your awesome pictures!

I do have an iPad and I love it, albeit it is a couple generations older now and is starting to get tempermental, so I think we both should just get a bunch of new I stuff all the way around...

Come on Hive! Moon! lol!