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RE: How I Tried Saving 3 Baby Birds, But Only 1 Survived (Mean People Suck)

Great story and thanks for sharing! I recently found a little flightless blue bird a couple weeks ago. I was walking around the U of A campus when I found it. I couldn't bring it home because my cat would of got it so I just let it go along the bike trail. It seemed active enough that it was getting around without flying and there was enough woods and trees around the trail it seemed like a safer environment for it.


As long as it wasn't hurt, it was probably ok out on its own with parents watching over it, as long as obvious predators weren't around.

I couldn't tell, the little bird seemed fine. I tried throwing it up in the air to help it fly off but it wouldn't fly. Something else might of been wrong with it. I just hope he makes it.

Usually their wings may still be growing and a bit too short to take flight. I have a hunch that that was the situation. Fledglings often leave their nest before being able to fly and spent a few days or a week on the ground until they're capable.