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RE: A Trick To Create Space for My Thoughts

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Naming what you see is such a useful tool. I like to practice this often and it's something I try to encourage my eldest to do when she feels overwhelmed. Interestingly, many therapists have adopted this technique with their clients too. I think they go through the senses. List 5 things you can See, smell, feel etc...

The calmness of the sea washing over you can also create a feeling of ease. What a beautiful place for you to calm your mind in.

Big hugs xx 🤗🤗💚💚

 3 years ago  

It's a technique i started using out of desperation one day, and boy it works better than I imagined!! Another trick is to get your eldest to focus on her hands, just her hands. That can work too.

Gosh, it was a beautiful morning, and I'm still there in the water, even hours later, in front of the fire under a blanket, about to go to bed! Thanks for your love xx

Posted on

Thank you yes I shall encourage her to try that. X

I'm glad being down at the beach help you and hopefully you are nicely recharged for the week ahead 🤗🌼💚
