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RE: Nut-Free Grateable Cheddar Cheese, Sorghum Salads, Many Uses For Corn & So Much More!

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Thank you very much @pavanjr.

Yes, depending on your country, a vegan meal can be much more expensive to prepare than a meat or dairy-based dish. We are next door to you here in Suriname, and we have to be careful not to make too many salads, as they super expensive compared to making a bean-based meal, which is also more filling.

I do miss salads so much, hopefully one day we are able to have some land to farm or can get in a better economic situation. Things got pretty bad here and many of the Venezuelans left for Guyana or went back home. The economy has failed, and we do a lot of foraging.

One thing you may be able to use there is cassava leaves, they are full of protein, and it seems South Americans don't make use of them very often. It's become a staple of our pandemic diet, and we can always get them for free.


 4 years ago  

The recipe you say with the cassava leaf, how is it prepared? do you have any tips? I haven't heard about it and I'm curious.

 4 years ago  

Below is a recipe I have shared previously. It is important to pick the young cassava leaves. They are a bit poisonous, so you must boil them and throw away the water before you can use them.