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RE: Just a Li'l Hyper but also feeling pretty SuperZENsitive - A free flowing rambling on writing

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Hmmm....that awesome hip-hop dinosaur illustration is certainly finished, so you got that going for ya.

I love your (unfinished) stories, because that is life, always unfinished until the very last second. Reminds me a Rasta proverb - "Half the story has never been told."

Don't burn out all the energy. I still can't control myself, like a child when I hit a flight of stairs. Something inside me urges me sprint to the top of the stairs as fast as possible, skipping 2-3 steps at a time while the family pretends not to know me.


Hmmm....that awesome hip-hop dinosaur illustration is certainly finished, so you got that going for ya.

Hahaha! Thanks my man!

Funny to hear that stairs story of yours. It reminds me of my mom, before she broke her knee cap on a biking accident. She always ran up and down the stairs like an elephant.

Nevertheless, it's good to keep acting like a kid every now and then. It's those who stop doing so that grow old.