The Sacred Feminine

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

Symbolism for the feminine and masculine qualities abound. There is thought and emotion, or mind and 'spirit'. There is the left and right-brain generalized expressions of consciousness. And there are other symbolic ways of looking at things.

When looking at sacred, what is sacred? Some synonyms are:


Life is viewed as sacred. Life is cherished. The sacred feminine quality that lies at the core of protecting life is doing no harm, or doing the least harm you can because you can. It's something to strive for.

This is the sacred feminine that needs most embodying in humanity. Doing no harm to others is a sacred feminine quality. And if harm is being actualized, the sacred masculine is the counter-balance to stop it. This is the self-defense to stop harm.

The basis is the sacred feminine. When that is trampled upon, the sacred masculine needs to be used. The sacred masculine is always there, ready to protect, uphold and defend what the sacred feminine stands for.

When the non-violence of doing no harm is violated, we have to act and stand up to do what's right in self-defense or in defense of others. We have to say no to doing harm ourselves, to stop participating in the harmful aspects of the norms we are conditioned into living by.

If we don't uphold the principle of the sacred feminine to have freedom, we will get slavery. Anarchy or chaos. Truth or consequence. Be right, or go wrong.


A great description of how these two sides keep balance.

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