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RE: A walk into the arms of Mother Nature to connect with all life

What abundance. This stunning nature makes the area in Portugal where I reside seem ordinary but, then again, I can't complain compared to many others.

Thanks for sharing this with us :<)

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Hey there friend, curiously your climate in Portugal is very similar to mine since we are around 34 degrees south latitude here. This region ironically is called a Mediterranean climate, so I presume our vegetation might be similar too. It's also quite bland here in color, on initial impression, but filled with subtle detail.

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Interesting to hear this although I believe Portugal has some different micro climates and the area where you're at might be more similar to the Algarve, the Portuguese south coast. I am a couple of hours away from the sea, in a more mountainous region with a river and river beaches. And, although it can be pretty cold and wet here, at times, it can also be extremely dry and hot. I love the diversity.

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Aha that's good to know. Yes my climate will be like the south coast of Portugal. I'm so glad that you re in a fine natural region, as it is the best for our mediation and quality of life. I presume you have access to many nice olives and olive oil, which is one of the nicest foods and medicines.

I'm so glad that you re in a fine natural region, as it is the best for our mediation and quality of life.

Nature is key for me. I always looked for a place where I could breathe better ( literally and figuratively ). It's difficult in cities, to say the least.

And yes, about the olives and olive oil. I'm enjoying - daily - the amazing taste of olive oil of olives that I helped harvesting last Autumn.

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