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RE: The first HIVE electroculture community 🌱

in Natural Medicinelast year

Very good! It will be nice to have all this info in one place. I made a copper spiral, without any template or anything, and stuck it into a struggling potted plant. I swear it looks much better, just a week or so later!



You are sending respect to your plant and Mother Earth through it just by your actions alone, no matter it isn't a 'perfect' spiral. Great work!

Yes, it will be awesome to see in a year or so all the different people sharing their amazing results in this community, for the better good of anyone arriving here for the first time...

I could swear your spiral is coiled counter clockwise..!
it happened to me and I am currently experimenting to see what the difference actually is.
stay tuned.
my house plants all have a little antenna and they love it.

And I've been barefoot while raking on this 59*F spring day. Thanks to your link, Owasco.
Copper wire.... that'll come!
Still looking at Wands of Horus.
Nikken magnets may or may not fit under the "electro" umbrella. My friend was a salesman for Nikken magnets, 30+ years ago. Those magnets never did deliver what they promised (I tried the pillow with zero results). The sales pyramid was as sketchy as the Amway, Xango, Shaklee, etc "tiered" sales systems. (Can't afford to buy the product for yourself unless you sign up other suckers to become distributors. If the stuff is so good, hello, sell it in stores!!)!

So, I'm ready to join the community - thanks for creating it and promoting it!

haha I have so far resisted taking off my shoes - it's too cold! I thought you ordered some wands, no? I think maybe you intended to leave this comment under the original post, not my comment on it.