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RE: Taking Ownership of My Own Nutritional Needs.

When a friend and I went to a Walmart out in the boonies years ago, their pet stuff section actually had horse stuff, and she was all SALT LICK LOOK THEY'RE CHEAP I'M BUYING YOU ONE.
I pointed at the part where it said "not for human consumption" and she was like, "technicality." 😂

Every time I read anything promoting the eating of greens I think of you now.

I'm sorry I'm now the greens monster for you. 😂 I do miss them. Sometimes I just want a salad. Or a spanakopita. But the digestive pain and annoying rash would be not worth it.

 3 years ago  

🤣🤣🤣 salt lick technicalities and greens monsters!

I couldn't imagine not be able to eat greens. I love those salads and I'm quite partial to a bit of spinach too...although I'd probably never have said that as a kid.

When I was a kid it was peas. I HATED peas. But I only ever knew them the way my mom served them: frozen peas boiled in water with a dab of margarine on top.
I love them mixed in things, like pot pies and ramen and stuff like that (allergy now tho, sob).
I've come to realize in adulthood that a lot of the veg I hated as a child is because the only way my mom ever cooked veg was to boil it and put margarine on it.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Lol! My mum is not the best cook. We just got it boiled, plain and simple and in big chunks. The cabbage put me off cooked cabbage for years. Stringy nastiness. I prefer it raw even now. It doesn't help that the smell of cooked cabbage reminds me of my grandma's farts. She used to fart as she walked, apologising as she went. 🤣

I’m also not big on peas, but hubby likes them, so I've gotten used to them on occasion.

Here we call that crop dusting. 🤣

 3 years ago  
