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RE: Homemade Nectarine & Almond Chocolate

I've never made my own chocolate like this, for snacking, but I do generally replace baking chocolate in recipes with cocoa powder and olive oil. I don't know if I've done it with coconut oil before, though I use that, too. I assume putting the fruit in it is the sweetener? I like dark chocolate, but also don't like fruit or anything in chocolate, so I would probably just use some cane sugar, since I like it plain. I know when you buy it at the store it tells you a percentage, like "70% dark" or whatever, but I don't know how that would translate into making it myself, now I'm curious to look it up and try! Do you think I could just use any silicone mold?

 3 years ago  

Yrs, any silicone mould. I put honey in mine... I'll edit post to reflect that. Any sweetener is fine! And less cacao.. I put more and it knocked my socks off...


I literally lay awake for hours nights ago because I ate some pieces of dark chocolate ( 70+ percent around 8:30 at night ) haha

Honey sounds like a good addition too. I would prefer not to add any sugar.

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 3 years ago  

Hahah omg yes that happens to me as well!! I can't even drink TEA at night!