Our food is slowly starving us, by being too sterile!

in Natural Medicine2 years ago

The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is killing us by being too sterile. All the food we eat in pressure canned, or processed to be shelf stable. Some of that processing includes radiation, Poison gas, and picking so early that they contain no food value!

Historically, this began in world war two; when we needed to supply fighting Men with food. To do this we had to pressure can everything, so it wouldn't spoil before the troops could use it. We converted everything over to this processing, to survive the conflict! When the war was won, the food processors use this infrastructure to stock grocery shelves, because it was warehouse friendly.

In the time before this, a significant part of our food chain was supplied using fermentation. Sauerkraut, fermented pickles, yogurt, water Kiefer, and cheeses were common. They were massive sources of probiotics! Now they are premium today, but still available.

The bottom line is that we were feeding our digestive tract with natural sources of probiotics that our GI tract needs to digest our food. Now that doesn't happen, due to the S.A.D.; and it's killing us! This lack causes digestion problems, which shows up as lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome; to name a few. There are many other diseases that are likely caused by this lack of probiotics, since a compromised digestive tract can Not collect as many nutrients as it should! Nutrient starvation will not allow the body to do a proper repair. The most obvious disease caused by this poor repair, is s cancer.

Today, as this becomes a larger problem; industry that has caused this problem, reacts in this manner:

And this:

They are now selling us, at a premium; the probiotics we used to get for free, so they can warehouse useless calories! Some canned food is fine, as long as we get enough fermented food to repopulate our GI tract....

I have begun fermenting, to repair this lack. I had problems with milk and bread myself, and corrected it by using the premium purchased probiotics. I was bad enough that I couldn't keep milk down before I started this 'repair'! Now I can eat anything I want to....

Here is a good source for fermentation information:
Kombucha is fermented tea, and a good place to begin. To start, buy a bottle of kombucha, follow her directions to prep the tea; and pour in some factory kombucha. A thick white pad will form on top, called a scobie. This can be used on the next jar of tea to make the Next Batch of home made kombucha.

She is also a good source for instructions on general fermentation. The more of this we can ferment, the more S.A.D. damage we can repair!


Thanks for the information and link.

She is a good source for homesteading information, and one of the best sources for fermentation I've found.



We commonly eat "less then good" food, and half rotted fruits and veggies. I think the musty sweet taste of them is delicious....be we do the same witb meat, if its questionable, well we eat it. Most of our food we get from our homestead so not the stores. We also eat as much as possible raw. From meats, including all organ meats, to all types of fungi and our eggs...if you dont buy meat from a store, and you are the entire chain of possession, theres little chance of getting sick from it especially if its eaten fresh after irs killed. We also drink water from the spring without any filteration to get thise minerals from our sweet mother earth. All this being said, my son and I have not been sick in years.
One day I asked my teacher, "why can dogs and all other animals brink from a mud puddle, but humans can't?" She replied with,"because they have different Bacteria in their stomachs then us." That made me question a few things, one was, how can we be so highly evolved, yet not be able to do what every other animal can do? Secondly, as i grew up on well water, i couldnt understand there being much difference between our water and the mud puddles that came from tge rain...at least from a safety aspect. And thirdly hiw could it be better to drink chemicals lije the city kids did with the processed city water then to drink from a rain puddle. That was tge beginning of me questioning almost everything i encountered from there on out.
Okay, so i really have rambled desr friend.😁...
GREAT POST, and thank you for helping to spread awareness of on the humanities biggest health issues. They are killing us with the store foods. Hopefully, as we become more awake as a global community we can all help one another to living healthier and happier be eating better foods as the food really is our greatest disease. We send our love dear brother!🤗🤗🤗

You make some good points, maybe WE haven't 'evolved', but our food supply sure has!

I bought some chicken to pressure can at the Walmart grocery store. When I got it home, it was spoiled; so I returned it. They replaced it, and when I got it home; it was spoiled too!!!!!

So I threw it away, and took them off of my vendor list.

Once I get out to the homestead, I plan to start raising quail. I bought some eggs for my sister on her homestead, and she's going to supply me with birds when I'm ready.

But growing our own is the only solution, long term! I also have seeds for all the herbals I use, plus a few I think I may use in the future. I plan to grow all my food and 💊 medicine, on site. I love the no actual medicine tag...one of my favorite for sure!

Stay blessed, and avoid government interference!
