Time for Reflection - A Hypersensitivosaurus Story


On his walk. He saw a big bottle. Due to yesterday's rain. He hunched down and looked at it closely. Thirsty shows some tiny insects move. Then he started seeing the reflection of the green trees above him, and a blue sky with clouds drifting over, focusing on the clouds. That became thicker and thicker and grayer and grayer. He started wondering what was up, and what was down. It seems like the clouds. It seemed like the clouds were deep inside the water, even deeper into trees. And looking at it for a while. He wondered if it even mattered, up or down below or above. They weren't there. They were always there.

When he got up again. He felt dizzy for a while. Whether it was a somewhat uncomfortable position that he had been in for quite some time, or not knowing the difference between up and down anymore. It didn't matter. Feeling past. Like any feeling. Just like drifting clouds that come and go.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai - more on this speech to text app in Otter Nonsense


As you've hopefully understood by now, the above isn't how I write, it was Otter (nonsense), a speech to text app I've been using sporadically - that was trying to pick up on my words. Apparently it wasn't hearing me well enough ( outside, on my walk ) and has to work on it's interpunction.

What follows, is what I was actually saying:

On his walk, he saw a big puddle, due to yesterday's rain. He hunched down and looked at it closely. First he saw some tiny insects move, the he started seeing the reflection of the green trees above him and a blue sky with clouds drifting over.

Focusing on the clouds, that became thicker and thicker and grayer and grayer, he started wondering what was up and what was down. It seemed like the clouds were deep inside the water, even deeper than the trees. And looking at it for a while, he wondered if it even mattered. Up or down, below or above. They weren't there, they were always there.

When he got up again, he felt dizzy for a while. Whether it was the somewhat uncomfortable position that he had been in for quite some time or not knowing the difference between up and down anymore, it didn't matter. The feeling passed, like any feeling. Just like drifting clouds, that come and go.

While looking at the reflection of the sky and trees in the water, I was hoping for rain to fall. The idea of it coming down from what I was seeing below me, as if it was traveling upwards, intrigued me. Then again, the rain would probably distort the reflection.

Unfortunately the rain decided to stay in the clouds. Funny enough, the water I was looking at was rain from the day before.

Isn't it intriguing how water recycles itself, by falling down and going up again and so on and so forth? Nature never ceases to amaze me :<)


I will be traveling back to Portugal in two days, on June the 21st. My journey takes place on the longest day of the year and the first day of Summer aka 'solstice'.

This means that I will leave the place where I've spent the last three months ( the entire Spring ). It's time for a change of perspective and I'm looking forward to whatever will come my way.

If I'm a little less active on here in the coming days or week, that means that I'm spending more time in the now, that I'm probably enjoying life. I hope you do the same ;<)

Much love,

Vincent aka Hypersensitivosaurus or SuperZENsitivosaurus

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Otter Nonsense. LOL. I am looking for an app to do speech to text.... tempted just to try it to see if I get a better result. Usually there is a learning process involved where you have to READ certain pieces of text so it "learns" your idiosyncratic speech patterns. I was using Dragon Dictate back in 2002 🤣🤣 and lost the need for it in my Thai life for a long time - but that need has returned.

Most of my best blogs are spoken aloud, to myself, as I'm driving and never ever get published. Thank you for lighting a fire under that thought again today. I'm utterly enjoying the Hay House app and think I should be listening to you a whole lot more!!! xxx

Dikke knuffel. Goede reis. Leuk om bij je zus weer te zijn. 😍

Usually there is a learning process involved where you have to READ certain pieces of text so it "learns" your idiosyncratic speech patterns.

Yeah, I know but I can't seem to find that in the free version.

I tend to write differently when I talk first, more free flowing I guess but it really depends. The main thing is that I often get ideas on walk and, although I often carry notebooks with me, I sometimes just feel like recording my thoughts.

I was also literally thinking of a quicker way. Record audio, export to words online but it's often more stops and more effort even with speech to text apps. I heard of Dragon, loved the name but never got to use it.

I'm glad you're digging the Hay House app, same here.

Dikke knuffel terug. Ik heb er veel zin in :<)

Hahaha... I didn't know otter... but yesterday I was testing some other machine learning and ai stuff ;-)

I like Google's... https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com

Ciao ciao

but yesterday I was testing some other machine learning and ai stuff ;-)

other or otter, what's the difference? ( answer: one letter )

I try to use Google less these days, no matter how good they are, let's keep some parts of me private at least haha


Was your lizard the one looking at the water or was it you?
If it was indeed your lizard, did he look at himself as well? I would like to know how he sees himself. Does he think he's handsome? Or that he's funny looking?

If I'm a little less active on here in the coming days or week, that means that I'm spending more time in the now, that I'm probably enjoying life.

Oh, I hope you are not active at all then. Enjoy your life, your family and friends.

Much love and a warm hug,

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It was me looking at the puddle but I might have been in dino mode/ in character on my walk. He and I are pretty close.

I would like to know how he sees himself. Does he think he's handsome? Or that he's funny looking?

Good question. I will keep that in mind for a future story. Now I think of it, I wrote a mirror scene in my orginal novel ( that I never finished ), the 50 thousand words that I wrote last November ( the story of hypersensitivosaurus ) that led to this children's book idea.

Thanks for the reminder.

I'll try to be less active next week but I can't promise a thing. This place is active and you all are amazing.

Un abrazo fuerte ;<)

You need to catch the upward rain right at the beginning otherwise yes it distorts the puddle and then you can't see anything ;D Love the photo.

That sure sounds like the right tactics.

Glad you liked the photo, me too :<)

The water cycle is indeed interesting.

I am so happy for you that you get back to Portugal, I know you've been wanting it since all this madness started. I am sure you will so enjoy "now" more than ever

Thank you for your kind words. By now, I'm very much looking forward. Less than 24 hours and I'm there. You're gonna see another me ( in my writing ) from then on.


Ooooooo hoorayyyy Vincent. Have a good trip and be safe! 🤗🤗

 4 years ago  

the rain, what I like most is the rain and the reflections it brings. I hope you have an excellent trip and once in Portugal enjoy every second. ✨😄


Muchas gracias amiga

 4 years ago (edited) 

Hope you are enjoyinginginging

I see myself in this character, I'm sure many of us do