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RE: Multi purpose fluffy Japanese bread dough / 万能な日本のふわふわパンの生地

in BreadBakers3 years ago

THe apple raisin roll looks so delicious and the tiny rolls are perfectly shaped!!! And I think we are baking twins right now (only that I am to lazy to write about it - shame on me) I am on the brioche train right now. The recipe I use is fairly similar, only a bit more fat and one egg inside the dough.
This time I made a raisin brioche (for my mother) in a big rectangle baking tray and tried a new proofing/baking method. After letting the dough rise for 2 hours, I formed it and put it into the cold oven with 700 ml water on a baking tray and then started to heat up the oven. It baked for 50 minutes (without letting steam out) and it worked fine. THis is new for me, I normally preheat the oven and put hot water in it for steam...


Rich brioche is my winter time favorite (ja I eat it in summer too though 😂). Start baking in cold oven is new to me too. I think my mother put toast bread dough on 150 degrees and bring the temperature up to 200 degrees. I guess the dough raise somehow in the lower temperature in the oven before they form crust. I must try the method too.

I look forward to reading about your bread journey 🍞😊