Homemade Chocolate Hazelnut Spread

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

So, vegans do this weird thing where we take foods we no longer consume and try to “veganize” them for the simple sake of saying, I told you so, or, this is so much better than the real thing. In my case, this recipe for Chocolate Hazelnut Spread is exactly that, better than the real thing.


You know that deliciously thick and fudge-like spread that is now in every grocery store? Rhymes with Mootella…see where I’m going with this? The original spread has skim milk and whey mixed in, not to mention Soy Lecithin which is an emulsifier that more times than not causes gastrointestinal discomfort and weight gain. No thank you, scary ingredients!

This Hazelnut Chocolate spread is rich, nutty, and has a subtle roasted flavor. To give it a creamy consistency, coconut milk is added to thin out the nut butter mixture. Other lovely ingredients are added in such as cocoa and coconut oil. Unlike Mootella, this Chocolate Hazelnut Spread is not teeth-hurting sweet and incorporates a combination of Agave Nectar and rich Maple Syrup to sweeten it.

Hazelnut Chocolate Spread


2 c hazelnuts
¼-1/2 c coconut oil
3 tbls cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla
¼-1/2 c coconut milk, or enough to reach desired consistency
½ c maple syrup
¼ c agave
1 tsp sea salt


Roast hazelnuts in 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes, or until fragrantly roasted

Place hot hazelnuts in damp tea towel and rub vigorously in tea towel to remove outer shells (all shells will not be removed, that is okay)
Place hazelnuts in food processor and blend for 10-15 minutes until creamy, stopping in between to scrape down sides

Once creamy, add coconut oil, cocoa powder, vanilla, maple syrup, agave, and sea salt

Slowly add in coconut milk until desired consistency is reached

Roast the hazelnuts until fragrantly detected in your house…you will know, trust me ;)


Wrap the hot, roasted hazelnuts in a wet tea towel and vigorously rub to remove the outer shells:



Transfer to food processor aka “the kitchen workhorse” and blend until extremely creamy. Be patient, this process takes a moment to come together. I’d say 10-15 minutes of blending and it will be creamy. You will doubt that it will come together but it will, just wait.






Add coconut oil, maple syrup, agave, sea salt, and cocoa powder:



Continue mixing and adjusting the sweetness and consistency by adding more maple syrup/agave or coconut milk:





Try not to eat the entire jar with a spoon! :)

