German Bento / ドイツのお弁当

Recently I had chance to make German Bento (a meal packed in a box) for my daughter to take it along to picnics and for me for the community garden work. Here are some pictures of the Bentos.

I enjoy playing with the colors from vegetables and fruits. I like the simplicity of German Bento with bread, vegetables and fruits. I also like Japanese in a way complicated Bento though 😉

One of the big Bento helpers is vegan burger patty mix from a vegan zero waste store in my region.

The shop owner told me that I can simply mix ingredients at her shop and make it by myself. I look forward to making my own soon.

That's my German Bento. Do you make Bento? If so what kind of Bento do you make?



近所のビーガンの包装なしのお店(日本語でなんていうのだろう?実は英語でもよくわからず、zero wasteとしましたが・・・)で、ビーガンのミートボールのミックスいいよと教えてもらって、これがお弁当にとても便利なのです。彼女自身レストランやケータリングをしていたときに使っていたとのこと。



子供がお出かけする機会が増えてこれからよく作ることになりそうで密かに楽しみにしています 😁

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うれしい、ありがとうございます!京都時代の手の込んだ和食弁当は若気の至りです 😂 たけのことこんにゃくと蓮根をさがすところから始めないと・・・

You are so diligent in making, cooking and arranging those foods into a bento box as you call it or a pack lunch.

The food looks healthy and delicious.

Haha, thank you @jenthoughts. Actually not much effort needed. I arrange food in fridge in a box like drawing on a canvas :) I like this type of healthy lunch box.