My Mother's Banana Bread / 母のバナナブレッド

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

I woke up early in the morning and started baking banana bread following my mother's recipe to use the ripe bananas in the kitchen. While baking the banana bread, I thought I would go ahead and leave the recipe for my daughter on Hive Blockchain. I have written a few recipes here in the past, but I hope to write regularly like my Soup Stories series.

This banana bread is one of the most memorable dishes my mother made regular basis, whether it was served for breakfast, freshly baked as a snack when I got home, or given to me as a snack for school and cram school.

It is very easy to make, just mixing the ingredients in one bowl, so even if you are not good at baking sweets like me, for sure you can make it. My mother may have learned how to make it in the U.S., so her recipe has quite a lot of sugar. I reduce it to about 2/3 of the original amount.

Here is the recipe:


for a w 9 cm x h 6.5 cm x d 20 cm baking mold

  • 1 egg
  • 60-80 g sugar (adjust according to your needs, with or without chocolate, etc.)
  • 40 g butter, coconut or other plant oil (I like butter for cold seasons and coconut oil for warm seasons)
  • 170 g flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 ripe bananas (overripe ones are the best)
  • 40 g nuts, coconut fine, or chocolate, etc.
  • 2-2.5 tablespoons milk or plant based milk


  • Preparation 1: Line a mold with a cookie sheet and preheat the oven to 175°C (350°F).

  • Preparation 2: If necessary, melt the oil in a pan of hot water.

  1. Beat the eggs with a whisk, add the sugar and mix well.
  2. Gradually add the melted oil to 1. and emulsify it.
  3. Add flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Sift as needed (...but I often don't 😅)
  4. Mix the batter "roughly" with a spoon. Be careful, if you mix too much, the banana bread turns out to be dense and heavy. It remains powdery as it's be mixed in the following steps.
  5. Add the bananas, mashing them with hands, and also add the nuts. Mix again "roughly" with a spoon.
  6. Adjust the consistency with milk and mix again "roughly".
  7. Bake for 45-50 minutes and cool down on a cooling rack for 1 hour.


I bought a Japanese mold last year, and it bakes very nicely with the sides standing up. In the end I bought two of them, one large and one small. I wonder I shall buy the third largest one 😁 I may pass one on to my daughter in the future like my mother did for some of her cooking equipments.

If you are interested in the mold, I have one post about it in which I wrote about its greatness.

My New Japanese Pound Cake Molds

I like to cut the banana bread thickly and also like to cut it into little pieces and snack them while I work in the kitchen.

My family loves the banana bread too, and we have it for breakfast and for snacks. I smile when I do the same as my mother did for me 20 or 30 years ago. Here is my partner's lunch box I made this morning.

It's easy to make, so give it a try 🍌

Recipes for my daughter and my friends


朝早く起きたので、台所の熟したバナナを使うべく、母のレシピでバナナブレッドを焼きました。バナナブレッドを焼きながら、Hive Blogを使って子供にレシピを残して行ってみようと思いました。過去にもいくつかレシピを書いたのですが、Soup Storiesのように定期的に、リンクをはりながら書けたらと思います。




材料 幅9cmx高さ6.5x長さ20cmの型一本分

  • 卵 1個
  • 砂糖 60-80g(チョコレートを入れるか入れないかなどで調整)
  • バターまたはココナッツオイル 40g
  • 小麦粉 170g
  • ベーキングパウダー 小さじ2
  • シナモン 小さじ1/4
  • 塩ひとつまみ
  • 完熟バナナ2本(熟れ過ぎ上等です)
  • ナッツやココナッツファイン、チョコレートなど 40g
  • 牛乳または植物性ミルク 大さじ2-2.5


  • 準備1: 型にクッキングシートを敷いて、オーブンを175度に予熱する。

  • 準備2: 必要に応じてオイルを湯煎で溶かしておく。

  1. ホイッパーで卵を溶いて、砂糖を加えてさらに混ぜる。
  2. 1.に溶かしておいたオイルを少しずつ加えて乳化させていく。
  3. 小麦粉、ベーキングパウダー、シナモン、塩を加える。必要に応じてふるう(・・・けれど私はふるわないことも多いです😅)
  4. スプーンで「ざっくり」混ぜる。混ぜすぎるとべったりした仕上がりになってしまうのであくまでざっくり、さっくり。バナナなどを加えて次でまた混ぜるので粉感が残ってOK。
  5. バナナを手でつぶしながら加えて、ナッツ類も一緒に加えます。もう一度「ざっくり」混ぜます。
  6. 牛乳で生地の硬さを調整して、また「ざっくり」混ぜます。
  7. 型に入れて45−50分焼いて、クーリングラックで1時間ほど冷まして完成。



この型については、一つの投稿として素晴らしさを語っているので、気になった方はぜひ。ドイツでは小さいものでも4000円超えという驚きの値段ですが、家族で食べるケーキを焼くのと合わせて、Hive Blogに書いて、マーケットでも使ってそれだけの価値はありました。

Another Short Pound Cake Mold for Trial Bakes / 試作用に短いパウンド型をもう一つ



簡単に作れるので、「売れたバナナがある、どうしよう!」という人はお試しあれ 🍌



Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for curating my post, @qurator! My mother is definitely happy about it too 😊



Your banana bread looks amazing!