Fried Rice versus Fried Noodles

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Good morning everyone...

In this post, I want to discuss foods that are very familiar to Indonesian people, namely fried rice and fried noodles

Both of these foods are very easy to find anywhere, because almost all the stalls sell them both in the morning and at night, even though these two foods are classified as suitable foods to eat at night

Fried Rice

fried rice is made from white rice mixed with spices and added with several other ingredients which are fried in oil or margarine on a medium heat stirring until the color turns golden yellow.

To serve fried rice, it can be eaten with eggs, fish, meat, fried chicken or various other sea foods. In addition, fried rice is delicious to eat with additional pickles, cucumber slices and crackers.


Fried noodles

noodles are one of the foods that are commonly consumed by all people in this world, in general noodles are processed from wheat flour which is cooked with various spices and other mixtures as desired according to taste.

In terms of cooking, fried noodles are cooked with bumhu with several vegetables such as bean sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes with a little extra green mustard greens

Fried noodles are served slightly wet or if ordered either in a soup or dry, with cucumber poyongan, crackers and sauce served ...

Both of these foods can be included in the list of foods that need to be tried, both of these foods even though they come from Indonesia, but now they can also be tasted in several restaurants in other countries.