Sweet And Cold Desserts After Gardening

in Foodies Bee Hive24 days ago

Sweet and cold desserts are something fun to enjoy after being tired of working in the garden on a hot day.


The weather in Indonesia is very unpredictable. Even though it rains, on the same day it can also be a day with abundant sunshine.

Luckily, that morning was fine. The day started with cool air and no harsh sunlight. I have a lot of work in the garden to do.

Clean up the wild grass that grows like crazy after a few days of rain. Also, I uprooted vegetable plants that had entered the old phase and had to be replaced with new ones.

Apart from that, I also filled polybags for growing new vegetables. Also, I have to install plant-supports for tomato plants, also green bean plants.

It really feels fun but at the same time tiring because I work without realizing the time. Until almost lunch.

Finally, after lunch, I invited my husband to cool off at the only one mall in my city. Guess what, I headed to a dessert outlet that I haven't visited for a long time. About a year, because I'm trying to have a healthy diet and reduce sweet foods.

I think it's okay for now, I enjoy sweet desserts once in a while. Also, because I do regular exercise plus gardening.



That day I went to Es Teller outlet, one of the popular franchises in Indonesia. I ordered a sweet and cold dessert, for me and my husband.

My favorite is Shaved Ice Mixed With Fruits and Coconut Milk. In Indonesia, this dessert is called Es Teller. This dessert is filled with a mixture of fruits: jackfruit, young coconut flesh, and avocado.


For favorite and best seller topping is durian! I love durian. Since my city has good quality durian, I always enjoy enjoying durian. Especially with this dessert.

On the left is my husband's dessert dish. No durian. Meanwhile, on the right is mine. You can see the difference, right?


My favorite dessert dish is a combination of jackfruits and young coconut. Indeed, the price now becomes more expensive. About $3 per portion. But worth it for something I haven't enjoyed in a long time.



It's nice to be able to rest and enjoy sweet and cold desserts. ❤️ Ready for the next challenge of life.


Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


In Portugal the weather is burning because summer is near 😅 First time I see this dessert, i would like to taste it and more in this season! it looks like a fruit ice cream. 😜

The texture is filling with shaved iced 😊

Agriculture is satisfactory, but for the garden to be good, a lot of work must be done, especially eradicating weeds.
It's good that after all the hard work, you have given yourself this pleasure.
The dessert you ordered looks really delicious. Enjoy it very much dear friend @anggreklestari

thank you, jlufer 😊

That's a mouth-watering treat! Durian is one of my favorites too. Pampering yourself after a hard day's work is all worth it.

yes durian also my fav 😊

Summers are the same way we all find beautiful places and go there and eat something cool to feel good.

here feels like summer everyday ehehe

It looks like a delicious dessert, perfect for this very hot weather that makes.

yes perfect for hot weather

Después de una buena mañana de mucho trabajo y calor un buen postre frío es lo mejor. Trabajas mucho amiga. El descanso y la distracción te sentarían muy bien. Mis saludos.🥰🤗❤️❤️



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That dessert after a day of work must have been great. Here in my country they make a sweet with shaved ice and fruits and they call it shaved ice. The one from your country caught my attention because it is sweet and They add avocado. A pleasure to read you

here, we mostly enjoy the avocado for sweet thing 😊

Yes, enjoy your favourite dessert without fear that you are working hard in that garden. How good it feels after doing productive work that moment of leisure and happiness with our loved ones, doesn't it?

just enjoy the thing we want 😊

It looks like very delicious Ma'am. That kind of desert is perfect for a summer heat season. It is good and important to do bondings together with our loveone and having a healthy conversation while eating desert in that clean and spacious place.

Have a nice day Ma'am @anggreklestari. ☺️

Wow! It's look delicious and fresh