Easy and Tasty Coral Lentil Soup with Coconut Milk [ENG - FR]

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)

Good evening dear gourmets ! Today, I'd like to share with you a soup that is easy to make, cooks up rather quickly and has powerful yet delicate flavors at the same time :) It's a soup that we made for Christmas dinner and that I frankly loved ! So as it's raining and we're both a bit sick, what could be better than taking the time to prepare a dish that brings back good memories and that is also in its own way a medicine with the spices inside ?

You'll see, it's very simple...!


Here is the original recipe :


You will need :

  • 150 grams of coral lentils
  • 400 ml coconut milk
  • 400 ml tomato pulp
  • 1 onion
  • 2 or 3 cloves of garlic
  • ginger to taste
  • coriander
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • chilli flakes, ground turmeric and curry powder, about a heaping teaspoon of each.




Now that you have everything, let's get to the recipe !




Heat the coconut oil, chop your onion and add it to the pan over medium heat.




Mince your garlic with the ginger and add it to your spice mixture when the onion has sweated well.




After a few moments, add the lentils and then the tomato pulp with half a glass of water.


Let it boil for a few minutes. Then put on a low heat.




Prepare the coriander and chop a small handful of stems and add to the mix. The leaves are for the end.



Add the coconut milk. In the recipe it says you can do it in two batches, but I put it all in at once.


This is optional, but you can put a blender in it, I did this time, but I like both versions :)

Serve, add the coriander and you're done !

I hope you like this recipe as much as I do :) Thanks for visiting and see you soon,



You can find information about my camera in this article. Please note that all these images are mine, please ask my permission to use them.

Bonsoir chers gourmets ! Aujourd'hui, je vous propose une soupe simple à faire, à la cuisson plutôt rapide et aux saveurs puissantes et délicates à la fois :) C'est une soupe que nous avons réalisé au repas de Noël et que j'ai franchement adoré ! Alors comme il pleut et que nous sommes tous les deux un peu malades, quoi de meilleur que de prendre le temps de ce préparer un plat qui rappelle de bon souvenirs et qui est aussi à sa manière un médicament avec les épices que l'on trouve à l'intérieur ?

Vous allez voir, c'est très simple ..!


Voici la recette originale :


Vous aurez besoin de :

  • 150 grammes de lentilles corail
  • 400 ml de lait de coco
  • 400 ml de pulpe de tomate
  • 1 oignon
  • 2 ou 3 gousses d'ail
  • du gingembre selon votre goût
  • de la coriandre
  • une cuillère à soupe d'huile de coco
  • du piment en flocon, du curcuma moulu et de la poudre de curry, environ une bonne cuillère à café de chaque




Maintenant que vous avons tout, lançons nous dans la recette !




Mettez l'huile de coco à chauffer, émincez votre oignon et ajoutez le dans la casserole à feu moyen.




Émincez votre ail avec le gingembre et ajoutez le tout avec votre mélange d'épices lorsque l'oignon à bien sué.




Après quelques instants, ajoutez les lentilles puis la pulpe de tomate avec un demi verre d'eau.


Laissez venir à ébullition pour quelques minutes. Puis mettez à feu doux.




On prépare la coriandre et on émince une petite poignée de tiges que l'on ajoute à l'ensemble. Les feuilles seront pour la fin.



Ajoutez le lait de coco. Dans la recette, il est dit qu'on peut le faire en deux fois, mais là j'ai tout mis d'un coup.


C'est optionnel, mais vous pouvez mettre un coup de mixeur, je l'ai fait cette fois-ci, mais j'aime les deux versions :)

Servez, ajoutez la coriandre et voilà, c'est terminé !

J'espère que vous aimerez cette recette autant que moi :) Merci pour votre visite et à très vite,



Vous pouvez trouver des informations sur mon appareil photo dans cet article. Veuillez noter que toutes ces images sont de moi, veuillez me demander la permission pour les utiliser.


With just the first three ingredients it already sounds delish. I'll try to remember get lentils next time and make it. I have the rest :)

Mmh ! I'm sure you'll like it :D Forgot the salt yesterday and it was already great !

I wish you a very peaceful Sunday ✌️

I just made it and ate it.
Damn it was good! I had to add more water, but I also added more lentils. And I did blended in the end too.
Loved it! Thank you for the recipe :)

Aow ! Nice :D Couldn't be more happy that you tried 😇 !

Yeah, even on my side without adding more lentils, it was missing some water too !

Glad you enjoyed this one hehe, I hope you're doing well those days 🤞 😘

GG pour le résultat du post. T'as trouvé comme faire :)


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Merci ! Oui, c'est beaucoup de temps, mais dans un certaine mesure, ça en vaut la peine :)

J'espère que tu vas bien et que tu as passé un bon weekend !

Ca va merci :)
Hésites pas à me filer des astuces en dm discord :-) :-) moi j'avoue e galère alors que bcp me disent que le projet est une bonne idée qui fonctionne bien

Tant mieux !

Je passerai demain dans l'après-midi sur Discord ;)

Portes toi bien, bonne soirée ✌️


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Ce plat doit etre delicieux, champion pour la presentation illustree en detail avec les photos par etapes, il me tarde de tentr moi meme cette recette mais surtout illustrer des sujets avec une telle precision, merci @anttn!

Merci beaucoup, ça me fait extrêmement plaisir que celle-ci t'ai plût aussi :D

C'est parfois un peu sportif de faire les deux à la fois, mais on est content quand cela fonctionne bien !

It's looks delicious, and I wish to have it with a plate of 🍚 rice.

Hehe, this is indeed like that we eaten it :D

Uuuh I love lentil soup I use to made it with broth not with coconut milk but must a be a good idea for make it creamy

I usually made it with broth too, but I like this one, more oriental and creamy as you said :)

This is just something else. Definitely something I will be willing to try out.

You should definitely come join us tomorrow for #creative-sunday at the Hive Learners community to share more amazing recipes like this. I also will be nominating this post for some upvotes from them (@lazy-panda).

Here's a link to read more about #creative-sunday, and don't worry about the verification part for now. You can do that later in the week after participating tomorrow.


Hello @prayzz ! Thanks you for your visit and for letting me know :) To be honest, I've been tempted by the Hive Learners community for some time now and I'll probably take the plunge in the coming few days hehe !

See you there and thanks you again for your really appreciated insight !
May you have a nice week ahead 🍀 ✌️

Well we look forward to seeing you there 😀

May you have a nice week ahead

You too.

Nunca había visto una receta de sopa de lentejas con coco, pero de solo imaginar ese sabor del caribe debe estar buena gracias por compartir tu receta

You're welcome 😇 Thanks you !

A good preparation for cold days, which comforts and makes us happy. 👨‍🍳

Exactly :D Thanks you fro visiting, have a nice week 😇 ✌️

I wanna take a moment to commend the stunning plating and photography; nice warm lighting, great focus, and very skillful shots 👏

Sleepy Good Night GIF by DINOSALLY

Let me tell you, that's not an easy thing to do... cooking while taking photos by yourself? (you may correct me on this one). Because I've done it before and I was really stressed during the process (I'm not a good cook, lol).

And now to the food, I believe I haven't tried Lentil or any by-product of it but I do eat beans so I'm guessing the flavor and texture will be similar. What you made looks delicious, vibrant, and hearty. I wish you and your wife will feel better now. Thanks for sharing the recipe; I just bookmarked in case ;)

Many thanks :))

It's not always easy to handle both at the same time, you have to be organized and to take many pauses and prepare stuffs in advance to picture... But as everything, it becomes more simple with time and practice hehe ! But indeed, we're practically healed now :D

I hope you'll be able to try this soon. Take good care 🌿 🌟

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!


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