Nova Brewery Hard Kombucha Review & New Years Eve Musings

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago (edited)

Yesterday it was so gorgeous here in So Cal! The rain quieted down for a couple of hours and the air was brisk and fresh. What a better time to drive to the beach for some lunch!
We decided to stop at a brewery that serves food, their menu was nothing to write home about though so I won’t be wasting your time on the food there, but their beers were quiet good! They were featuring a hard kombucha from another local brewery Nova and I decided to try the Sexy Piña Colada! This 8% hard kombucha was so delightful! I’m a fan of kombucha but I was so glad this brew did not have the typical vinegary flavor kombucha brews do.
It was smooth and tasted like a non creamy piña colada. The coconut and pineapple flavors were delightful! I’m a lightweight so the 3 I had were enough for me! I really enjoyed it very much!
We went back home and we had a little bit of coffee outdoors after changing into comfortable clothing. My musings took over after settling in the cool evening breeze. New Year does not mean that our slates are wiped clean or that our life will turn for the better automatically. We still have to put an effort to receive the results we want. I don’t believe in resolutions- I believe in action. My goal this year is to grow crypto-wise as well as in my business and as a person. And this year was a tough one and I’m glad for the people that stepped in such as my friends, the community here on HIVE, my sister,
sweetheart and my children. Blogging was so therapeutic for me, I could hug you all if I could!
May you continue as inspiration g and as awesome as always! 2022 here we come!
Happy New Years Eve everyone!
May your home be filled with warmth, your pantry full and may you always have good health!
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I have never heard of hard kombucha. But I love kombucha so I think I would love the hard stuff!!

It’s amazing! Give it a try!

I am hunting it down!

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