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RE: Food Photography: mystery of Polish chocolates

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)

Chocolate junkie. That's me.
Quantity over quality.
Having said that, sometimes I recognise quality. & when it comes to that, Swiss & Belgian chocolate brands are probably the best.
When in Germany, I usually eat mostly Alpia, which IMO has the best value for the price. (Usually bought it on special offer between 30 & 50 Euro cent per 100g. Don't know how much it costs nowadays.)
Here in Greece I usually go for the Lidl own brands, which are luckily in recent weeks often on offer between 40 & 60 cents.

&, of course, I prefer the sweet stuff: noisette or nougat.

(Never tried East European chocolate, but several Chinese brands: they generally suck.)


Now this is a very solid contribution to the chocolate debate, thank you! :D Btw I didn´t know you can have a chocolate bar for as little as 0.3 or 0.5 EUR in Germany, wow... You would have a hard time finding a chocolate with this price in the Czech Republic, even though the Germans have much higher salaries...

As I said, special offers & it was a while ago. But I checked just now & not much has changed, it seems: special offer 44 cent, normal price 69 cent.

I noticed long ago that Germany has surprisingly cheap food. Even compared to China, if you consider the low salaries there. Here in Greece pretty much everything is more expensive except for fresh fruits, vegetables & fish. Funny enough, even some Greek specialties (like bread sticks) cost more here than in Germany.

Wow, I had no idea... Apparently, the Germans can dine like royalty every day :D