Introduce myself-Simple recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive3 months ago (edited)

Good morning, I want to introduce myself and share a simple recipe I do at home. I'm improving my english skills and I don't like to use translators, so, help me with this duty please.
My name is Yordan Hernandez, I love cooking. I'm from a little fishing town located in Playa Baracoa, Cuba. I love nature, peace, personal growing and cooking. Sometime ago I worked like a cooker in a Bar-Tapas called La Esencia.
I see each recipe like a part of our soul, we put on it our love, mood, knowledge.

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Hi @cabracho

You do not need to introduce yourself again, as you have already introduced yourself previously in Hive.

Regarding your recipe, it requires more development, a more explained step by step, in photos and in text, and additionally, you must appear, in the photos, making your recipes. By this we mean that we want to see you cooking.

Here we share two posts that may be useful to you.

Great recipe!!! I don't know this restaurant in Baracoa. I'll visit some day to try it. Is it close to the main beach?