Hive Creative Contest | The Breakfast Recipe: 🌽 Venezuelan Creole Breakfast 🌽

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    Hello dear friends lovers of rich and varied recipes. Our friend @Zord189 today has put us to cook a lot in his weekly challenge. For me it has been very difficult to choose a single dish because in Venezuela you can eat everything and its Creole gastronomy is very varied.

    But in order not to leave out any typical dish, I am going to show you some of the ones that stand out the most in the Venezuelan table.

    Let's start this tour with the typical dish of my land, called Pisca Andina or potato broth. This dish is famous in the breakfasts of the Andean people, I don't know where it comes from exactly but I presume it is from Colombia since we are very close to them; besides I could also say that due to the intense cold in those mountains my ancestors invented this soup to warm up the body and thus be able to go out to work in the fields with lots of encouragement and well filled.




1 kilo of potatoes
4 eggs
2 soda crackers
Garlic and salt

How to prepare:

  • The first thing we are going to do is to assemble a pot with about 2 ½ liters of water, then we peel the potatoes and chop them into small pieces, when the water is boiling we add the potatoes and let cook with a teaspoon of salt.


  • While the potatoes are cooking we are going to chop the seasoning for the sofrito. Chop everything very well, the onion, the chives, the garlic, and some cilantro sticks. We fry all this in a little bit of oil.
  • When we see that the potato is already soft, we add the sofrito, adjust the salt and leave it for another while so that all the ingredients are impregnated.


  • Finally add the eggs very carefully, let them cook for about 3 minutes and then add the cilantro and the cookie.

    In my town there are people who like to add cow's milk, it gives them a lot of taste, but if you don't have cows you can add powdered milk dissolved in a little water. This type of broth is always accompanied by a delicious corn arepa and of course a little black coffee, butter, cheese or avocado.


🌽Famous creole breakfast in the plains of my country.


    In my country there is a very famous saying that goes: "Every child comes with its arepa under its arm" this is a saying that gives a lot of encouragement to women when they get pregnant, since as a woman one always tends to worry about raising children, then we all repeat this to say that we must be calm that everything will be fine and "God will provide".

    We eat the arepa every day, whether at breakfast, lunch or dinner. We can fill it with eggs, ham and cheese, or with the typical creole breakfast of the "llanera" land, caraotas with perico and cheese.


Venezuelan Empanadas🌽


    But here is another dish that competes with the Venezuelan arepas, as they say in my land, nothing more Creole than an empanada de carne esmechado. Everywhere you go you get them, they are super tasty and if you add to that a rich sauce or guasacaca you can eat up to 4 or more.

    The empanadas are very easy to make, you just have to have a rich meat esmechado and a soft mace with a touch of sugar and salt to give it color when frying the empanada.



    In my house they say that "I am the queen of empanadas" because I make them very tasty and also very fast, I think I have a technique that I have not seen elsewhere. So if someday I get the courage I'll listen to my husband and start selling empanadas in my neighborhood.



    As you can see here everything is made with corn flour, but towards the capital of the country is where you can get foods that go more with wheat, such as bread or the delicious pancakes.

    I could sit here and tell you about many more typical dishes of our land, but for now I will leave it here. But yes, when you come to my country do not forget to eat a delicious arepa de reina pepeada or a cachapa de maíz con queso guayanés that will leave you with your mouth open.

    I say goodbye, keep taking care of yourself and remember, put flavor to life.

Image taken from the foodiesbeehive community and posted on pwerpoint.

Imágenes tomadas con mi cámara celular Kronos-net/

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