Vegetable dumplings two ways- in a steamer and in a pan


I have always wanted a bamboo steamer. All my life I have passed by them in the store, then just never got one. Finally the other day my kitchen manager gave me one.


He had one at home that he never used. A while back he gave me my first wok. Each week I receive a gift or donation from my kitchen manager and from the chef who works in the sandwich shop in the same building. Both locations are owned by the same owner. She does all of our sauces and designs our menu with the boss. There is an obvious silent rivalry between her and him. When they give me these gifts and donations, I kind of find humor in it, because I get the gifts and know that they're each kind of buying my loyalty.

I know each week I will be handed something even if it's not the greatest. He has already given me an electric steamer that he got from her a long time ago. It all makes me laugh.

The bamboo steamer was put to use right away as I have wanted to try steaming dumplings.

I ran to Chinatown on my day off and got some items to make them with. Sometimes I make my own wrappers but I decided to let the package of wrappers , help me out.

I wanted the filling to be basic and simple. I was going to let the dipping sauce do the work.


I like the combination of oyster mushrooms and nappa cabbage. I like regular green cabbage as well but the nappa was on sale.


Dumpling filling
4 cups chopped nappa cabbage
3 cups diced oyster mushrooms
1 onion chopped
3 minced garlic cloves
1 carrot shredded
1 cup green onions
1 teaspoon minced ginger
1/2 cup minced cilantro stem
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
Salt to taste


After cooking the onions and garlic in a shallow oiled pan I added the mushrooms and cabbage ginger and cilantro. They were cooked until they softened then put in a bowl. This was mixed with the green onion and carrot. I left the carrot raw to add some texture. Anyway the mix was hot so they would soften up as I mixed.


After mixing everything together I added 3 tablespoons of rice flour then mixed again.


It had to be cooled off before filling the wrappers so I put the mix on a flat pan and put it in the freezer. It doesn't take long to cool when it's flat. I think it was good in around 10 minutes.

To wrap the dumplings just place a spoon of the mix on each wrapper. wet your fingers and wet the edges. Fold the sides together carefully and pinch together.


This was the first time I steamed them. I didn't know what to expect. I left them in for around half hour.


The dipping sauce was a basic sweet and spicy sauce.

Dipping sauce
1 cup water
1 cup rice vinegar
1/4 cup raw cane sugar
2 teaspoons fresh ginger root, minced
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
2 teaspoons chili pepper, minced
2 teaspoons tomato paste
2 teaspoons cornstarch
Put it in a pot and cook until thickened slightly

So the result is that I liked the steamed dumplings but I wasn't super excited with them.


I had left over dumplings that I made into pot stickers.


Heat up a pan with oil. Add the dumplings to the hot pan. Add a little water to the pan after browning then cover on low heat to evaporate the the water. It's finished when it has evaporation.

This was the way I was used to doing them. I have to say in the pan is more fun.

If you are not in the mood for the fried stuff then steaming is a much more ideal way to cook them.


These were sprinkled with white and black toasted sesame seeds that were given to me by the manager when we changed the menu for take out and we didn't need them anymore.


The little dipping cup in the photo was a sake cup. My manager was cleaning up the bar which is not in use so he asked me if I wanted it and I thought, what am I going to do with that thing. I took it anyway and now I realize it makes an alright dipping cup. The plate was given to me as well. It was it the kitchen before they rented it out. Random items that I only have one of but handy for me.

Let's see what next week brings.


Thanks for dropping by folks!


OMG you are killing me I want these!!!!!!! Feeeeeeed meeeeeeeeeee!

Ahh haha thanks It would be my pleasure!!!

be carful what you say I might be moving in under your kitchen window🙃

First of all, that looks insanely good! I have never tired to make it myself. I just buy mine frozen xD

I have had a steamer for a long time, but I have always used the pan with oil and water because I really love the crust it gets :D

Should I try with the steamer??

The steamer is convenient but the pan trumps it by far. If you feel like something more easy on the stomach for what ever reason then the steamer works well. Thanks @cwow2.

Ohh, I will stick to the pan and just steam my veggies :p

Very nice and yummy snacks!! Like both the steamed and fried ones!

Yeah dumplings are always good to me no matter what.

By the way have you ever eaten at the Vegetarian Cottage by Mochit station? I really enjoyed that restaurant.

Mochit is too far away for me to get there just for a meal. The traffic around there is too heavy. I stay close to the river side of the city. But the food there looks very good (via their website). I am not adventurous about finding new restaurants; I stick to old favourite haunts and the people I know!

I don't blame you. It was near where I was staying.

Oh, this looks awesome and delicious, I just finished lunch right now but I hungry again. I love to eat dumplings very much. I have a bamboo steamer like this also, I think a lot I will do the dumping but I still not yet to make eat. Very nice my friend.

Thank you so much my friend I would love to try your dumplings. I am not an expert with this kind of food except to eat it haha.

That’s not true, you are an expert chef. Haha I even to eat so much time but I never to make eat by myself, I thought I learn to make it.

WOW, I love dumplings. I hope my mom will make it soon.

I bet your mom's dumplings are soooo good!

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Those dumplings look quite yummy, especially after being browned in the skillet! 😋

Thanks @thekittygirl. The browned ones were the best for sure.

They look delicious, but our family is always divided on whether to eat after steaming or wait a bit and eat fried dumplings. We are not, however, divided on the liberal use of sesame seeds in a recipe like this. Steam on my friend!

Posted on

Haha thanks! I definitely like something fried better for sure.

In my everyday organization song, we sing one day we shall visit China and also eat dishes using two sticks, I enjoyed your recipes

In my everyday organization song, we sing one day we shall visit China and also eat dishes using two sticks, I enjoyed your recipes

These dumplings look so delicious 😋 I want to have them allllllll 😍

Haha thank you. Somebody was hungry!!!

Looks yummy. I'll have to give this recipe a try 🤗