
It does? I high🤪?

But yea it’s not looking so good 2 me
I guess I’m just grossed out by fast food 🍔

No all I am saying is that when you compare the two the one in America and the one in the Philippines the one in the Philippines looks like a human made it whereas in America it looks like machine make it

I gotcha
Yea I see whatcha mean

Don't try lying you know you get a double-double maybe even animal style while you're visiting the West Coast...

Hahahaha, that's actually the new normal here in our city. Most of the establishments have that.

Really?? hahahaha I never knew that, I thought that the fast-food chains would be the same.

Thanks for dropping by!

Does Jolliebees know you went to burger king???🤫

Hahahahaha, I had to cheat on Jollibee because the burgers in Burger King tastes a lot better.

Oooo im telling my Filipino friends in Vegas, you know how word travels. Some people might not look at you the same 😄