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RE: Homemade Yoghurt: A Simple Fermentation Project - Tips, Method, and a Recipe With Infinite Possibilities

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year

Your ingredients are much fancier then my one. I just use milk and some of the old yogurt and I get more drinkable one thank yours. Its so different than the one from the shop.
I will have to try to add coconut cream if I find it. Will coconut milk work as well? What does it do to the yogurt?


I have read somewhere, someone on Hive in fact, wrote that 100% coconut cream/milk does not turn into a good yogurt, but I added only one can. What happens though is the high-fat content separates a bit from the rest of the yogurt when it sits in the fridge. You just mix it in!

But I think you can just strain your yogurt to make it thicker.