
Do you mean editing the main text that talks about the restaurant when I do the series of articles of that same restaurant in different visits?
The purpose of maintaining that text is, since I consider that info principal and important related to the restaurant or chef and, potential first readers of the newest article of the saga might not want to click on the links of the past articles to visit 'em and get that info by theirselves, I decided that maintaining that info in the newest post always will provide that info needed for a better first reader experience, including that of the rating of the restaurant, chef's history or whatever consider important.
Anyways I do include, some times, some new paragraphs starting for "On this occasion...", for example, in case is there something punctual to reflect about the new visit, thing that some times doesn't happen and it's only new dishes or new photographs of some dishes I ordered again in latest visits.

no I edited my own comment several times, trying to trigger the bot

Ah, LoL, thought you were telling to go smoke some weed 😃


It's working now @felixxx 😋