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RE: In The Kitchen With Kat-Cereal Milk Infused Cupcakes

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

You know what's funny, I don't like breakfast cereal much, and I rarely ever buy it(I usually make homemade for my crew), but this recipe was for a special occasion and they were super yummy, so I didn't feel too bad about eating them, even if sugary breakfast cereal is literally garbage food lol.

You and your boyfriend are so beyond smart for avoiding the stuff! I'm sorry he has such a reaction to them!

That said, I totally hear you about balance, and once in a great while I'll buy the kids some of the fun cereal. Most of the not healthy goodies on my blog are from celebrations, although sometimes we tend to have more celebration food than we should...

Since baking season is about to wrap up and I will be spending most of my time out in the garden and farming, and since I have been posting a lot of celebratory (and not so good for you) foodie posts, I am going to do a series of what I normally eat, which is mostly sugar and refined flour free.

And you have inspired me so much with your foodie posts, I can't wait to see more of them when you get all settled in Spain!