Impromptu Popping into Pop for dinner!

It was a tiring Monday due to lots of movement past week. At the spur of the moment, I did not even have energy left to heat up food at home, meaning more washing at kitchen. So, we went out for dinner!!! Let's pop!


Initially, our plan was to go somewhere roadside stall for dinner, but the rain decided to visit, so we literally just turned in to the nearest mall, and popped at Pop!

Always love the yellowish cartoonish ambience. Sad to see the business had not picked up. The restaurant is always empty, hope the business picks up soon.

The boys had some time looking at the menu and the youngest decided for Mac and cheese while the eldest was feeling ambitious to choose spicy Mac and cheese with pop chicken. I asked him few times to double confirm, and he confidently said he could handle the spice.

Mac and cheese series!

The food arrived. By then, I noticed an extra selfie in my phone. Youngest one took my phone for selfie. Haha.

The classic Mac and Chees was really creamy and nonetheless, yummy and worth the price. Don't underestimate the bowl, the amount was huge.

As for the spicy Mac and cheese with pop chicken, as usual the fried popcorn chicken was delicious. I had some too. But! For the Mac and Cheese, it was way too spicy for my son to handle. He was trying to convince himself, but the body couldn't lie. He was sweating and lips burning. Lol..i think they used the high level Samyang Korean kind of spice powder. I told him I would around the supermarket side to grab other food for him while I forced myself to the Spicy Mac and Cheese.

Supermarket food

We love the supermarket food especially everything was 50% off after 8:30pm. The queue was long and everyone finished grabbing the delicious roasted and fried chicken. I took whatever left which was Korean chicken with rice and Egg Okonomiyaki.

Ahhh...the eldest son was happy now, got to eat a decent food which would not burn his lips although he still felt the burn from the spicy Mac and Cheese.

The rain was getting heavier, we just hang out at Pop for sometime while waiting for my husband to finish his work to come join us for awhile. The boys and the father got to do card thingy together. Such short family moment was very precious to us especially now both myself and husband were getting busier each day!


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Oh, I know what you mean when you just can't face making a meal! Sometimes it's so wonderful to have someone else make it for you.

This really made me smile:

For the Mac and Cheese, it was way too spicy for my son to handle. He was trying to convince himself, but the body couldn't lie. He was sweating and lips burning.

My son would have done the same thing at that age! Now he's an adult, and these days he can handle really hot food, and even when I make it spicy, he adds more!

I have never tried the food here... but perhaps I will now
Especially since my youngest too is a big fan of Mac & Cheese - the non-spicy kind too haha

Good to know you had some reprieve from cooking and most importantly washing up hehe

Oh okonomiyaki has always been my favourite! This is the first time I see an eff inside too! Good thing there's another bento convenience store close by, otherwise how would your poor older boy handle the flaming mac n cheese , though it looks so innocent ? 😅

It really looks so tasty. And I'm glad that your son looks so happy to eat his foods 🤗

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