How to Make Thai Cassava Brown Sugar


photo by me

Yooo hello my fellow hivers and all hive communities from around the world wherever you are. come back again with me Jodi and Ema on the food and snack recipe blog that is very easy for you to make yourself at home without requiring a lot of money and time. happy thursday for those of you who are doing activities as usual or on vacation with family, hope you are fine without any problems and also have a nice day. thank you to all hivers and communities who have read and supported my previous post regarding the recipe for how to make banana chiffon cake, what do you think? do you like the chiffon? Please provide your comments below this post. Well, on this hot and sunny Thursday, Ema and I will share a unique recipe for all of you. who among you likes cassava? indeed not everyone likes cassava, but this cassava is processed using brown sugar and various other types of ingredients that make you quite interested in trying it. Thai cassava brown sugar is a food that comes from the land of white elephants and is made from boiled cassava and given brown sugar sauce or other. For those of you who are interested in this recipe, just take a look at the recipe below until it's finished. Good luck Hivers!


photo by me

Well, the ingredients for making Thai brown sugar cassava certainly don't require a lot of money and also certain ingredients, you can buy all these ingredients at the nearest supermarket or market in your city. The first ingredients you have to prepare are cornstarch, sugar, salt, instant coconut milk, brown sugar, pandan leaves and cassava. after you have prepared all the ingredients, now let's start the first step of making Thai cassava brown sugar.


photo by me

The first step, all you have to do is prepare enough cassava and peel all the cassava. after that, wash all the cassava so that the dirt disappears and also cut the sweet potato into several parts like the photo above. I got sweet potatoes that were not very good, because in my place they were scarce, so I got sweet potatoes that were not too good.


photo by me

the second step, after all the sweet potatoes have been washed and cut to completion, then prepare a pan and put all the sweet potatoes that you have cut and also put clean water until the potatoes are flooded like the photo above. don't forget to add a pandan leaf and 1 teaspoon of salt. then, boil all the cassava until the water shrinks slightly over medium heat.


photo by me

the third step, while waiting for the cassava to be boiled until the water shrinks a little, then all you have to do is prepare brown sugar with 1 medium size and then finely chop the brown sugar until it's finished. make sure you use premium quality brown sugar.


photo by me

the fourth step, after you have finely chopped the brown sugar, then we will return to the cassava which is being boiled. Then, put all the finely chopped brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. after that, cook and stir until the water shrinks and also thickens using medium heat. well, if you don't get cassava with good quality, you have to cook cassava longer than usual so that the cassava is really soft perfectly.


photo by me

the fifth step, after the cassava is cooked, the water has shrunk and thickened, set aside to warm. now all you have to do is prepare a small bowl and put 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and enough mineral water. After that, stir until the cornstarch is dissolved.


photo by me

the sixth step, after the cornstarch solution is finished, the next thing you have to do is prepare a frying pan, a pandan leaf, put 1 pack of instant coconut milk and 1 cup of mineral water. after that, cook and stir continuously the coconut milk so it doesn't break until the coconut milk really boils over medium heat.


photo by me

the last step, after the coconut milk has been stirred continuously until it boils, then all you have to do is put all the cornstarch solution into the coconut milk so that it thickens a little. Then, stir and cook again until it thickens over medium heat.


photo by me

and finally, you can eat Thai cassava brown sugar with your family or friends. The way of serving this food is very simple, first put as much as you want cassava with brown sugar into a plate, after that put enough thick coconut milk that has been cooked before and you can already eat this Thai cassava. What do you think ? Do you like it ? leave your comments below this post. Thank you to all the hivers and communities who have visited and read my post today about the Thai brown sugar cassava recipe. don't forget to give your advice and support for me and Ema to be more enthusiastic about creating other delicious content. see you in the next recipe with me, Jodi and Ema. good luck Hivers!


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It looks tasty...

Very tasty hehe,thanks for stopping by

This Looks Pretty Unique To Me, Would Definitely Make For A Great Snack 🤤

Thanks for coming hungry panda,you should eat it hehehe

Will Definitely Try Them 🤤

Thai kassava looks awesome!!

And delicious too hehehe,thanks for coming

It looks delicious I love cassava with sugar

Thanks you so much 👍

Oh, wow! Bananas are my favorite, with that being said, I am going to try this one out. Greetings from the Philippines!

thanks you and greetings too from indonesia

You're welcome (^_^)

😃This must be so good! I haven’t had cassava in ages.

Thanks you so much 😘🤗

You’re welcome. 😃