
HAHAHAHA yes - that first time is golden - and then.... dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn. hahahaha

we keep searching for that high! hahahahaha the high of the first recipe :)

p.s. i love you.
wish I could knock on your door right now - so we could just go for a walk. and not talk. just walk and be near each other.


Awwww - if you can zoom then we still can haha :D
I can't walk outside without a mask... but I can walk around at home hehe

oh... I didn't know you were still under masks :(
We are free of them (for now - who knows what tomorrow brings lol)

but this too shall pass right? hehehe

And lockdowns
Numbers are hitting highs
And people are hitting lows
Middle-class sliding into poor and the poor are going hungry
Suicide cases doubled, depression...
Ok, enough - I'll stop here

Let's talk about fun stuff - yes if can zoom a zumba, a zoomba - how about that? hahaha