The Yummiest "Poor Man" Food

Only if you can take some heat🤗

The bird-eye chilli in my balcony garden has been giving in abundance.
And through experience, we know that if don't use them, we will lose them and the plant will eventually wither (well, at least that happens to us).

So what do we do with all this chilli?
Poor-man-food was The Hubs sell as he dibbed the chillies to try this dish,
"and you'll want more" he promised.


Sambal Hijau

a direct translation would be Green Chilli Sauce/Paste.
Birds Eye Chilli
Green Chilli

Bring to boil all ingredients except for lime.
Strain them good and bunk in the blender.
Give it a spin to a pulp with chunks. I'd say no more than 7 seconds.
There should be small bits and pieces.

Then fry the blend in hot oil.
Add lime juice, salt and sugar to taste.
Simmer for 5 minutes and done.

It should look like this.
You can add fried anchovies for more flavour but let me tell you, NO NEED.

This was so good, I ate it with just rice.
But if you are feeling rich, add a fried egg, fried fish, fried brinjals - get creative...
I think it would be great as a dip for nachos or chips...yummmzzz
But really, I cannot tell you how good this tasted with just rice.
Writing this post and editing the pics is making me hungry.

Make a batch and keep it in the fridge.
Whip it out and add this magical sambal hijau for a little kick to your next meal.

The spice level?
It is spicy but the kids ate it, even the one who can't really handle heat.
Two thumbs up all around.

You absolutely must try it.
Now I am off to see if there's any left.

Thank you for reading,
Till next time, Carpe Diem!


Looks delicious @kaerpediem ,I love simple food,will try it.thank you for sharing.

You must try it and let me know if you liked it :D
You are most welcome 😊

Shooockkkks! This looks good. I'll try this next time. Let's see how it compares to chili-garlic. 😅

I think you will love it
You so must try and let me know ;D

Hi kaerpediem,

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Thank you for the support 😊

Sambal is hard to get in Vietnam and even if I could find it, it's just too expensive to buy.
I did buy 1 jar and had thought that I had packed it with me.
Sadly, when I was unpacking, I realised it was no where in my luggage.
Guess, I'll have to use your recipe and make a jar for myself.

Yes, yes please do
I think Malaysians need their sambal fix every now and then :D

The ingredient looks simple 🍆🌶️. The food's delicious.
Also, have a slice of !PIZZA on me

oooooh, I think it will be great on pizza too😃

Hope you like it.
Have a nice day.



@kaerpediem! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @jacuzzi.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at

I'm happy to see you're using the tag my dear!

Posted via

Thanks to you @funnel - for sure :D

I would certainly add fried anchovies to this dish. Sounds like my kind of food, but I am sure the boys won't appreciate it very much.
On second thoughts perhaps they would if I served this with fried eggs.
Wish you had mentioned quantities here.
Thanks for the share, I'll be sure to try this.

Please do - I would love to know what you think and if your boys ate it too :D

Quantities... you know, a little bit of that, a dash of this and a pinch to that hehe
Actually what you see in the pic is exactly it ... I hope that helps ...😅

LOL that is my kind of cooking too. I never follow recipes too closely. I throw in things as I go, more because I know the pallets of my loved ones and I am too lazy for accurate measurements.
I will try this out today, I ordered some anchovies to go with it. Eggs are staples. I will give you my feedback.


what do you think?

I can't think
Just salivating....
I could eat that with just rice :D

Where are you from @sofs-su .... and you don't have to answer me if you don't want to... just go lalala and I'll understand :D

LOL It was reallllly reallllly good.
I added the anchovies of course.
For the boys I added fried eggs.
They ate happily, the older one loved it, the younger one can't handle anything too spicy.
We ate the leftovers with roti at night.
@kaerpediem I am from Bangalore, India.

Yay 😃

From Bangalore, thanks for sharing
Also, wanted to bring you to theycallmedan's recent post but just checked and saw you already got there
So that's great :D
Looking forward to what's going on over there for reals

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hello @kaerpediem,
where I live the ingredients are quite expensive so it is not a meal for the poor, it certainly looks delicious and its preparation looks quite simple, thanks for the recipe.

Oh, I'm sorry
I hope I didn't sound insensitive with that comment...
But it is delicious... if you ever get the chance :D